Chapter 275

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Chapter 275 Genius Ghost Hunter 13 (2 in 1)

    When one person and one ghost were gone, Yang Yan chuckled lightly and said, "Your niece is amazing."

    Luo Yongyuan disliked her in front of his niece, but now he has a smug smile behind her back, and said, "Then Yes, Qianqian not only has good character, but also has good talent, or Master Zhang, would you accept her as an apprentice?"

    Yang Yan looked at him silently for a moment: "Have you forgotten that I am only two years older than her. "

    It's a little old!" Luo Yongyuan sneered, probably because his strength was too strong and his aura was too strong, and when he got along with him, he would unknowingly forget his age.

    Thinking that he is more than twice the size of the other party, but his cultivation is not as good as his fur, his heart suddenly turned into a lemon.

    The two sat for a while, and the driver of Zeng's family called and said that he had arrived nearby. After paying the bill, he got up and left the coffee shop. As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw a familiar car.

    They didn't go to Zeng's mansion, and the driver took them directly to the private hospital where Zeng Zijin was, where they met Zeng's father and his wife for the first time.

    It can be seen that their lives are very good, the two look much younger than their actual age, the great-father does not have the stomach problem that middle-aged men usually have, and the great-mother is still as slender as a 28-year-old girl.

    The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful, and the relationship between the two has always been very good, without those messy things, this pair is an enviable fairy couple.

    But at this time, their mental state is not very good, I am afraid they have not slept all night, and they look a little haggard.

    "The two are Master Zeng and Master Luo, right?" Zeng's father showed a warm smile when he saw the two of them cheering up. "Thanks to the two masters this time, the dog's life was saved.

    " , Luo Yongyuan, who was used to it, stepped forward and held his hand, with a business expression on his face, and said, "Mr. Zeng is polite, protecting ordinary people from evil is what my generation should do.

    " The key is that the Zeng family gave too much. 】 Yang Yan silently added a sentence in his heart.

    Mrs. Zeng also picked up her mood and stepped forward to thank them. The three were polite. Zeng's father mentioned Zeng Zijin's condition: "Although Xiaojin's wound has not deteriorated, there is no sign of improvement, and the doctor is helpless.

    " People were both regretful and sad: "To be honest, we didn't believe in what was going on with ghosts before, and we invited the two masters because they couldn't beat their sons, but now it seems that our knowledge is weak, and Xiao Jin's injury probably needs two more people. It’s no wonder

    that Zeng’s husband and wife didn’t show up before, Yang Yan thought that they valued their career more than their son, but now it seems that they have been wronged. fooling around.

    A little bit of hatred towards them was gone, but it was impossible to ask him to help Zeng Zijin, anyway, the injury would not kill him, at most it would be painful for a few days.

    "At this point, I'll just say it straight!" Luo Yongyuan winked desperately, and Yang Yan could no longer pretend to be invisible, so he took the conversation and said, "Ling Langyou today is purely self-inflicted, I have already promised that Li Gui will not attack, I want him to suffer a little."

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