Chapter 300

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Chapter 300 Interstellar Legend 1

    In this world, Yang Yan lived to the age of ninety-nine. Before he felt that his life was coming to an end, he taught the teachers and students the last lesson for the whole school. After returning to the lounge, he closed his eyes and died.

    He never got married in his life, but the students he taught were all over the world, and countless people came to see him off at the funeral, and he was not deserted at all.

    The Su family, who were four jinshi brothers, later developed into an aristocratic family, and with his legacy, they can be at ease for at least one or two hundred years.

    After breaking away from the heavy body, Yang Yan did not directly enter the next world as before, but took a rest in the void space. Even if his spirit was strong, he would feel tired if he kept spinning all the time.

    When he wakes up from the meditation, he will feel a sense of unobstructed upper and lower soul. Those experiences and feelings in various worlds have settled down. Although he remembers it, it will not affect him in the slightest.

    "Tianzun Tianzun," Guang Tong Xiaoyi jumped up and down in front of him, "the master contacted me, she asked Tianzun how many soul fragments have not been recovered."

    Yang Yan looked at the soul, and replied after a while: " It's about the size of an arm."

    "Ah!" Xiao Yi immersed himself in the calculations for a long time before he said with great sympathy, "That day Zun will have to go through a dozen or twenty worlds to gather his soul, right? It's hard work!"

    Yang Yan laughed . , Flicking his fingers, he popped it all the way, then ignored its exclamations and whispered complaints, stood up and entered a new world.


    As soon as he was attached to the new body, Yang Yan had not had time to receive the memory, when a harsh alarm sounded in his ears, he suddenly opened his eyes, and was surprised to find that he was lying in a narrow cabin.

    If it wasn't for the soft light that appeared in front of him when he opened his eyes, he would have thought that his body in this world had died and was now put into a coffin.

    "Warning, warning, the spacecraft is damaged, the emergency escape plan is activated, and the rescue capsule is about to pop up. Please relax and not be nervous. Countdown: 10, 9..."

    Seeing that he didn't seem to be in danger for the time being, Yang Yan closed his eyes and decided to integrate the original owner's memory first to understand his own situation.

    This is a future world he has never been to. More than 3,000 years ago, the level of human technology reached a new height, and finally realized the dream of traveling between the stars.

    Since then, human beings have entered the interstellar age, and the year has also been changed to the ephemeris that year. Just like the age of great voyages, humans have wandered around in the interstellar space, occupying one planet after another with resources.

    In the beginning, everything went very smoothly. Human beings did not encounter aliens who had been on guard against their technological level, nor did they find any creatures that could rival them.

    But just as everyone was gradually letting down their vigilance, about a thousand years ago, a creature named Interstellar Beast appeared out of the middle.

    They don't know the origin, and they often appear suddenly in space. The huge body is about 30 meters long, and all eight feet have sharp claws, which can easily shred the shell of the starship.

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