Chapter 214

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Chapter 214 The Prime Minister's "Daughter of Gold" 2

    "Auntie, miss, let's have some refreshments first!" After the two talked for so long, the green warbler came back with a plate of food, a pot of ordinary tea, and a small plate of jujube paste that was already hard on the edge. The cake, you can see at a glance that it has been placed for a long time.

    Both mother and son are accustomed to this. The Yang family is not favored in the house, and the only daughter is a sick child. After all, it is only a small family.

    Although the future uncle has passed the township examination, the future is still uncertain. The servants are all looking after the dishes, and naturally they will not take care of them.

    Yang Yan accompanied the Yang family for a while, and after sending the person out, his face showed a tired look at the right time, and Lu Ying really thoughtfully sent him back to the boudoir to rest.

    When she saw that the young lady was breathing smoothly and sleeping peacefully, the little girl walked out of the room lightly and closed the door, but she didn't know that the person on the bed opened her eyes after she left.

    Yang Yan rolled over and sat up, and began to examine his body.

    The original owner was born more than a month earlier than the expected date of delivery. When she was just born, she looked like a little kitten, and she was able to support her with Yang's meticulous care.

    However, his body was weaker than ordinary children since he was a child. Qi Xuan didn't pay much attention to a little prostitute at all, and naturally he would not go to great lengths to ask a doctor to take care of him.

    Yang was also afraid to invite a doctor into the house for fear of being exposed, so she could only ask someone she could trust to go to the hospital to dictate the symptoms and get the medicine. Over the years, she has never bought clothes and jewelry herself, and spent all the monthly money on her son, but unfortunately nothing improved. .

    Yang Yan checked his pulse for himself, and found that the problem was not a big one. There were indeed some weak symptoms, but there were no major hidden dangers. Take some medicine to recuperate, and then cooperate with breathing and breathing. How long will it take for the body? get stronger.

    However, the previous prescription was no longer available. Although it was also used to regulate the body, it was not very symptomatic.

    It's easy to convince Yang's to change the prescription. The only good thing Qi Xuan has done is to allow his daughter to study.

    After pretending to be dumb, I have nothing to do every day, and I am almost always with books. I have read a few medical books for physical reasons, but medical skills are not so easy to self-taught. Although he is smart, he cannot Self-medicate.

    Yang Yan took a short nap, got up and opened Zhang Fangzi, and asked Lu Ying to take it to Yang's to send someone to the medical center to have a look, and bring some medicine back when appropriate.

    He thought that

    he would not be able to get the new medicine until the next day at the earliest, but he didn't expect that Yang's attention to his son was so high, and just after dinner, he sent his mammy to bring a bowl of steaming steam. medicine.

    "The fourth girl is really a genius. The old slave took the prescription to the old doctor in the medical center. He slapped the table and said that it was a wonderful thing!" Li Ma looked proud and looked at his His eyes were full of kindness.

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