Chapter 268

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Chapter 268 Genius Ghost Hunter 6

    Everyone is a supporting role who is regarded as a stepping stone. In addition, although this fierce ghost is full of resentment, he has no blood and evil spirit. I think it is because he has never killed an innocent person.

    Yang Yan had no intention of fighting her to the death, but he made the pair of scumbags and scumbags cheap, so he explained: "We were invited by Zeng Zijin to collect ghosts."

    Unfortunately, Li Gui didn't believe it at all, sneered, and said : "I knew that people today are not as honest as we used to be. I didn't expect that more than a thousand years later, even the Taoist priests have become insidious and cunning. If you want to divide the relationship between me and Jin Lang, you are dreaming!

    " He waved it over, and the tip of the bone whip full of yin and evil aura was aimed straight at his mouth, thinking that what he had just said had completely angered her.

    People turn into ghosts after death, and they usually lose their minds at first. If they stay in the world for only seven days, they will be brought back to life by evil spirits. Only then will they be sane and remember the things before their lives. origin.

    And the ghosts are mostly transformed by people who harbored resentment or had great regrets during their lifetime. After death, they are full of resentment and cannot go to the underworld. They are affected by resentment for a long time. Stubborn.

    Yang Yan was a little helpless, knowing that it would not make sense to tell her, at this time it was better to use force. Stubborn, right? It doesn't make sense, does it? Then beat it up.

    So Luo Yongyuan was fortunate to see the big guy in his mind next, how to rub a beautiful woman on the ground like a sandbag, he was stunned, and he called a good guy in his heart.

    The boss is worthy of being a boss. Ordinary people see this woman's appearance, even if they know that she is a thousand-year-old ghost, I am afraid they will inevitably feel a little soft in their hearts.

    But the big guy didn't take it lightly because the other party was a beautiful woman, and even punched that face with a blank face. If she wasn't a female ghost, I'm afraid she'd be bruised and unrecognizable by now.

    However, although her face was saved, the internal injuries of the female ghost were not light, and she soon lay on the ground and spit out a mouthful of black blood, and she couldn't even get up.

    "Stinky Taoist priest, even if you beat me to the core, my love for Jin Lang will never change." She squeezed these words out of her mouth weakly, with two lines of blood and tears in her eyes. .

    Luo Yongyuan thought to himself that he was not stubborn. He couldn't bear to see her appearance. He walked out of the array and said, "We didn't lie to you. It's really Zeng Zijin who invited us to collect the ghosts."

    "Impossible!" The female ghost responded. It was especially intense, and I didn't even have the strength to get up. When I heard his words, my resentment increased, and I suddenly flew towards him, and ten fingers came out with sharp nails several centimeters long, and grabbed him straight to the door. .

    "Dare to wrong Jin Lang and deceive me, I'll kill you!"

    "Help me, boss!" Luo Yongyuan screamed in horror, and with a flick of his feet, he hid behind the young man and shivered.

    Yang Yan rolled her eyes in secret, and when she stretched out her long hands, she grabbed the female ghost's two wrists. resistance.

    "You lied to me, Jin Lang wouldn't treat me like that. In the past life, we were deeply in love. He didn't even want his life to be with me. We willingly died at the same time, and made a promise to continue the relationship in the next life. "

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