Chapter 285

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285 The True and False Prince 2

    A person's emotions have an impact on the entire family. Previously, the original owner was depressed, his parents were worried, and his brothers and sisters were also worried. Even the two nephews and nieces were careful not to make too much noise at home.

    Now that Yang Yan is active and enthusiastic, the entire Su family exudes vitality. Father Su and his three sons are happy when they go out to work, and mother Su and daughters-in-law are full of laughter when they work.

    The two little guys were even more incredible. After only one day of being together, they were not afraid of the fourth uncle at all. They picked up some small things they liked to show him, picked grass and asked him to make up small animals, and pestered him for a while. Story...

    Yang Yan has nothing to do for the time being, not even walking around. He is so happy to coax them to play. The two little guys have a "fourth uncle", and the fourth uncle is promoted to their favorite person.

    But they only had one day to play with the fourth uncle all day. In the afternoon, Mother Su bought back the paper and pen and ink as promised, and he started writing the next day.

    Previously, the original owner was hit hard and liked to stay alone in the dark, so his sister-in-law Xin made a thick curtain for him, and opened the window to cover it tightly no matter the day or night.

    Yang Yan can't stand this. I'm embarrassed to change the curtains at home, but it doesn't matter, just pull it open, and then push the paper window open.

    The warm sunlight shone into the room, and although it was not big, the room that was tidy up by Mother Su instantly added some temperature.

    Sitting in front of the book desk placed by the window, Yang Yan glanced at the big cow and the big girl who were playing quietly in the yard, and lifted the pen with a chuckle. Let’s start with a cool essay.

    *** When the sky was twilight in the Marquis of

    Jinshou Mansion

    , a sneaky figure appeared at the top of the wall, looked around and saw that no one was passing by, hurriedly climbed the branches that stretched over the wall, climbed to the trunk, and then carefully slipped down.

    He was agile and easily landed without using half a cup of tea. He could not help whistling to himself, but when he turned around, the proud smile suddenly froze on his face.

    "What are you doing?" Jin Shouhou's appearance was very serious, and it was even more frightening when he lowered his face.

    Zuo Yangyi only felt that his legs were weak. He tried hard to control it so that he didn't kneel on the spot, and calmly said: "Dad got up so early! I just climbed up to see if the fruit came out, haha, I'm a little greedy. ."

    His dry laughter became smaller and smaller under the stern gaze of his father, and finally disappeared.

    "This is a banyan tree, what kind of fruit are you looking for?" Jinshouhou almost laughed angrily, "You don't learn well at a young age, you pretend to sleep and sneak out to play, you don't go home at night, and you dare to lie if you are caught, you are not small. "

    Since you already know, why are you asking me what to do?" Zuo Yangyi was a little frightened, took a few steps back against the tree trunk, and whispered.

    "How dare you talk back?" Jin Shouhou looked at him as if he was looking at something obtrusive, "Zuo Yangyi, look at what you have been doing these days when you came back? Skipping classes, cursing, talking back, fighting, and now you have learned how to stay at night. No destination, lies and deceives."

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