Chapter 269

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Chapter 269 Genius Ghost Hunter 7

    It turns out that the stinky Taoist didn't lie, it was Jin Lang who invited someone to collect her!

    Jin Niang in the jade pendant looked blank. She didn't understand how Jin Lang, who could not even die in order to be with her in the previous life, became like this. Didn't they still do well a few days ago?

    Could it be that he forgot how much he loved her because he didn't have the memory of his previous life?

    But he obviously didn't reject him!

    He complimented her on her beauty, embraced her tenderly in his arms, and said all the blushing love words in her ear, were they all fake?

    No, not possible.

    Jin Lang won't let her down. He looked at her with the same tenderness in his eyes as in his previous life. He must have some difficulties.

    It must be his parents who discovered him and brought a stinky Taoist priest to deal with her. In order to protect her, Jin Lang had to make excuses with them, and the content on that piece of paper must also be false.

    He didn't know that he had been caught, and he deliberately made a mistake to attract them to look for it, so as to delay the time, and then find an opportunity to tip her off.

    Jin Niang's heart was extremely painful. She didn't expect the fate of the two to be so uneasy. It was because the two families were feuding, but they loved each other but couldn't stay together. In the end, they could only choose to go to Huangquan to look forward to the next life.

    Jin Lang reincarnated smoothly, but she was unexpectedly trapped in the portrait he made for herself, waiting alone for more than a thousand years.

    Now that we have finally met again, but we have met relatives who are both right and wrong, why does God want to torture them, this couple?

    Jin Niang, who was helping her sweetheart on her own behalf, felt sad for a while. She couldn't help crying, and silently shrank herself into a ball. Unfortunately, the person she cared about was not aware of it, thinking that the female ghost he was anxious to get rid of would soon be gone. The smoke disappeared, and my heart was relieved.

    Only Yang Yan could see Yu Peili's situation. Seeing her sad and crying, she thought she was sad after knowing the truth. How could she have thought that she would actually make up so much?

    Maybe this is the deep generation gap that can never be bridged between the immortals who have no heart to love and the love brain?

    Since it was a play, it was necessary to do a full set. Yang Yan said that he was going to dig out the skeleton of Li Gui. Zeng Zijin really wanted the female ghost to die immediately. He wrote her burial place clearly and even drew a simple sketch. map labeling.

    That place is the hometown of Zeng's family before they developed, a village in a small town near J City.

    Butler Wang was hired later, and he was not familiar with the place. Although Zeng Zijin had a jade pendant to protect his body, he still felt uneasy. On Uncle Yang, who is also from the village.

    The two couples didn't want to dig Li Gui's grave or ask for compensation or something. Uncle Yang immediately packed a small bag, and Aunt Li whispered to him to pay attention to safety.

    "Okay, I understand, what's there to be afraid of following Master Zhang?" Uncle Yang said impatiently, "But you remember to take good care of Xiao Jin for me, otherwise you will feel better when I come back!"

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