Chapter 319

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Chapter 319 Interstellar Legend 20

    The matter of the Wei family did not stir up any waves in Yang Yan's life, and now he is troubled by another matter.

    The aura of Dawning Star was originally quite abundant, and it could be ranked in the middle in the world he had experienced. If it was only for monks to practice, it would be enough for tens of thousands of people to advance to the stage of spiritual transformation without destroying its balance.

    But in order to deal with demon beasts, they extracted a lot of spiritual energy to make weapons, and they haven't caused much impact in a short period of time, but it will definitely not work in the long run.

    He has seen too many small worlds due to excessive consumption of spiritual energy, and finally entered the era of the end of the law. He does not want Dawning Star to follow in the same footsteps. Fortunately, the method of persuading Chen Suo is not difficult, just give the data.

    So Yang Yan spent three days and three nights writing a report on "Recycling and Regeneration and Maintenance of Reiki", which listed which plants can produce Reiki, and the approximate amount. It is recommended to cultivate artificially. living environment.

    It seems to be very well-founded and detailed, and I can't tolerate Chen's neglect. After a meeting with members of the institute and a lot of experiments, I affirmed his report, but the problem is...

    "But according to you As mentioned, even if we immediately start cultivating a large number of spiritual plants, the production of spiritual energy will not keep up with the speed of consumption."

    Chen Suo frowned, although human beings have been very successful in this wave of fighting against interstellar beasts, But most of those beasts were killed before, but they will still come when the time comes.

    These beasts don't seem to be afraid, and they only eat or eat in their minds, which means that unless those space cracks are completely solved, they will need a steady stream of spiritual energy in the future.

    And once the spiritual energy is exhausted, humans will face a hard fight when facing the alien beasts. After trying the huge lethality of the spiritual energy bomb, everyone should go back to the past, not to mention the soldiers on the battlefield, even if he listened. All feel desperate.

    "So we have two plans now," Yang Yan raised two fingers, "one is to arrange for people to practice, and after breaking through the first floor, they will go to the battlefield to fight against interstellar beasts. This method consumes more spiritual energy than spiritual energy. There are a lot less bullets, and if you operate it properly, it will never be exhausted."

    There is no such thing as a legend in Interstellar . On the second floor of the realm, each of which is divided into ten-price combat power, and Yang Yan followed their names.

    Most of the monsters that came out of the cracks in the space were the monsters of the foundation-building stage, but it was enough to deal with the people who broke through the first layer.

    Chen Suo was still worried about the huge thunder falling from the sky, so he frowned and asked, "What about the second plan?"

    "The universe is so vast, there may not be another dawn star." Yang Yan smiled and said.

    "That's right! Why didn't I think of it before?" Chen Suo's eyes suddenly lit up, "But to be on the safe side, it's better to do both. I'll report to summon volunteers to come to Dawning Star to practice, and send someone to find other spiritual energy. The planet.”

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