Chapter 321

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Chapter 321 Interstellar Legend 22 (finale) (1)

    When he saw Guan You, Yang Yan found that his condition was worse than what Chen had described. The cultivator paid attention to the restrained breath, but the aura of his body overflowed from the surface of his body, and he was violent.

    This is a typical manifestation of unstable mood. When a young man in his early 40s is in high spirits, the person in front of him has red eyes and a haggard face, as if he will fall down at any time.

    "Student Si," seeing the surprise in the eyes of the two of them, Guan You almost couldn't wait to greet them, and accidentally tripped and stumbled on the way, "Can you teach me? With so many lightning strikes, you survived?"

    "Be careful," Yang Yan grabbed his arm firmly, "don't worry, I will teach you all my experience."

    His voice and eyes revealed that With a calming force, Guan You gradually calmed down a little bit, grabbed his hand and said anxiously, "Thank you, thank you!"

    "I don't know what's going on, the more I want to meditate, the less I feel. The way to calm down, there is always a mysterious voice in my mind telling me that I will definitely be struck by lightning."

    Hey! It seems that the child was so frightened that he was about to have a demon.

    Yang Yan felt a little bit of guilt in his heart. After all, he only became like this when he watched the scene of his own calamity. It is common for monks to be struck by lightning, but it is a bit too terrifying for these people who don't know the inside story at all. .

    "Don't worry, I'll help you." Not knowing how he acted, Chen Suo only saw him wave his hand gently, and a big man as tall as Guan You even took a few steps back and fell on the sofa superior.

    When he was stunned, Yang Yan had already stepped up, his index finger was lightly placed between his eyebrows, and he said warmly: "Close your eyes, meditate, and concentrate."

    A few simple words came out of his mouth. Especially convincing, Guan You didn't even think about it, and immediately closed his eyes according to his words.

    A warm breath came from between his eyebrows, and his restless emotions were instantly relieved. Slowly, he actually returned to the peaceful state at the beginning of his cultivation.

    After waiting for the spiritual energy in his body to run freely, Yang Yan withdrew his hand, and did not leave after that. He greeted Chen Suo to sit next to him, and then took out a few almost transparent stones and a small knife from his pocket, and began to put them on it. Draw quickly.

    When he finished carving a piece and was about to put it down, Chen Suo curiously took it and found that the stone was not the crystal he thought, the tentacles were warm, and it seemed to contain some kind of energy, so he couldn't help asking: "What is this? "

    It's the ore I found on the Dawning No. 2. It contains a lot of spiritual energy, so I call it a spiritual stone." When Yang Yan answered, the movement in his hand did not stop, and he soon carved the second piece. .

    Chen Suo "robbed" him again before he could put it down. He looked at the seemingly irregular lines and symbols on it, but he couldn't understand it at all, so he could only continue to ask: "What do these mean? What's the use?"

    Yang Yan explained patiently: "Place these depictions and place them according to their positions to use the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone. The principle should be similar to how we use electrical energy, nuclear energy, and solar energy."

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