Chapter 302

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Chapter 302 Interstellar Legend 3

    This question was not answered until the day when the military training started after the school officially started. The only bed left was always empty, and no one came to report.

    The military training of the Longteng Military Academy is not about training formations and practicing firearms. On the day of the gathering, more than 800 people were pulled by the spacecraft to an uninhabited planet, and they were randomly air-dropped for a three-month field survival challenge.

    Fortunately, when it was launched, it avoided the very dangerous places that were very likely to fall into boxes. After all, the purpose of this trip was to temper the will of the students, so that everyone could understand the cruel environment in the future, rather than trying to die. them.

    Yang Yan's luck is not bad, the surrounding is flat and there is no hidden danger, but because of this, there are no supplements that can be used, and he only has a day's ration on him.

    If you don't find the resources as soon as possible, the final result can only be to press the transmitter to exit the training when you are dying of hunger, and this will definitely make a bad mark in the file.

    Yang Yan was not in a hurry. He observed the plants around him, sniffed the water vapor in the air, picked up his small bag and walked east...

    A month later, in the monitoring room of Longteng Military Academy, several people were facing hundreds of Surveillance screen commentary.     "There are a few good seedlings this year. This one named Cen Yongnian has performed well. He has already dealt with five alien beasts

    . I heard that he is the nephew of the lady of the Nie family."

, but clones made from their residual limbs, which are only one-fifth the size of the original body, and their strength is less than one percent.

    In the past, humans did research on cloning to see if they could be domesticated, but all attempts failed. Later, these experimental products were thrown on the barren planet for military freshmen to practice, so as not to suddenly fail to respond.

    "The younger son of the Fu family has also killed four heads. He is indeed the blood of the Fu family. I only heard that the Fu family is used to him. I thought he would be arrogant. powerful."

    Although these cloned alien beasts were weak in their opinion, the students only went with knives less than a foot long, and most of them fought alone at the beginning of the dispersal.

    It’s good to be able to suppress the fear and kill one. Some people are so scared that they press the launcher and exit when they see the shadow of the alien beast. Most of them have only hunted one, and some people have not yet captured it.

    "They are not bad, but they are far worse than the Wei family. He just hunted another one, and the total number before adding up has reached eleven. I am afraid that this year's champion will be him."

    Later this person As soon as the words came out, the two people discussed earlier suddenly fell silent. One person killed more than the two they were optimistic about combined, so there was nothing to argue about.

    The monitoring room was silent for a moment, and suddenly the person who didn't speak asked: "Didn't I say before that there is a good seedling who has turned over the entire star thief group with one person's strength? How is he, why didn't you hear your mentions? Get up?"

    Who would have expected that after he finished asking this sentence, the monitoring room was still more silent than before, and he was surprised: "What's wrong? Does this person not live up to his name?"

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