Chapter 316

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Chapter 316 Interstellar Legend 17

    Although I still don't remember where I have seen these things, the aura Yangyan will not admit it wrong. It is a magical energy unique to the devil world, so the so-called interstellar alien beasts are actually magical beasts.

    Warcraft likes to eat flesh and blood, and the more intelligent creatures are opened, the more they suit their appetite, and the flesh and blood of monks with spiritual energy is even more fatally attractive to them.

    When he finished saying that, the huge guys who had just jumped out of the space crack had already smelled his body and rushed towards him with saliva.

    "Damn it! Their target is the command ship, to protect General Xiao!" The front-line people also discovered their target, and immediately opened fire on several big guys, trying to pull the hatred away.

    However, the interstellar beasts simply ignored these ticklish attacks, and came towards this direction with determination. They were clearly in the void, but their eight claws seemed to be standing on the ground. Steady steps are completely contrary to the science that interstellar humans believe in.

    "What are they?" General Xiao ordered the soldiers to attack from the side, and the command ship he was on became the bait, taking them to the place where the trap was set in advance.

    Intensive firepower finally caused wounds on their bodies, but they didn't care, and only chased after the spaceship wholeheartedly. In this abnormal situation, the only thing he could think of was the variable Si Yangyan.

    "They are coming for me," Yang Yan directly affirmed his guess, "I found out that alien beasts were very interested in my flesh and blood before at Dawning Star, and some even tried to bite me, now it seems that they This characteristic should come from the interstellar alien beast."

    "Is it the cause of the 'qi' in your body?" Although General Xiao was asking, his tone was firm.

    "It should be right, I'm afraid they won't give up as long as I exist, so General Xiao, please let me fight!" Yang Yan's face was not nervous, only full of fighting intent, things in the devil world, all " old friend".

    General Xiao pondered for a moment, then said: "Okay, but you must put your own safety first. If you can't fight, don't fight hard. I will instruct others to cooperate with you."

    In fact, there will be no such problem, Yang Yan It has been noticed that only the strongest of the five beasts is equivalent to the Golden Core Stage of a monk, and the others only have foundation-building strength.

    But there is no need to argue about this at this time, he will naturally understand when the battle begins, so he just nodded and acquiesced to his arrangement.

    Now that the decision has been made, General Xiao resolutely ordered someone to prepare a combat uniform for him. In just a few minutes, Yang Yan stood at the barn door. As the countdown ended, he leaned forward and walked out.

    Almost immediately, the five interstellar alien beasts stopped chasing the command ship, and their eyes greedily approached him. In front of a group of beasts more than thirty meters long, he was like a little rabbit who was cornered. Just as pathetic.

    The soldiers who saw this scene broke into a cold sweat for him. They didn't understand what he had done wrong. They were thrown out by the command ship at this time. This clearly wanted his life!

    Even a loyal supporter of General Xiao can't help but be suspicious. After all, everyone is of the same kind. Even if it's a big mistake, it should be tried by a military court, instead of using lynching to feed people into interstellar aliens. beast.

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