Chapter 320

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Chapter 320 Interstellar Legend 21

    Seeing that he was still stubborn, the star thieves completely lost their patience. The captain gave an order, and the gunfire aimed at the cockpit of the small spaceship, ready to give him some color.

    As if he had seen the arrogant young master, after seeing the artillery fire explode in front of his eyes, he panicked, cried bitterly and begged for mercy, and then respectfully opened the connector to welcome them in.

    The star thieves all had joking smiles on their faces. They were so ignorant that they were wasting ammunition. After catching someone, they must make this young master suffer a lot, and the ransom they demanded must be doubled. OK!

    However, after the cannonball was fired, the imaginary situation where the spacecraft was severely damaged did not happen. Their attack was like a drop of water into the sea, and there was not a single splash of waves, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

    "What's the matter?" The captain's smile froze on his face, and he looked at the deputy next to him with questioning eyes. The man waved his hand repeatedly and said, "I just checked it in the morning, and the weapon is fine."

    "Old, boss..."

    This When there was a weak voice behind him, the captain went back impatiently, only to see a group of subordinates full of horror, shaking hands pointing ahead, stammering: "It, it, it changes, changes..." The

    captain couldn't wait for him to express Clearly, he turned his head sharply, and then his face became like a ghost, and he didn't look any better than his subordinates.

    I saw that the inconspicuous little spaceship had transformed into a huge steel monster. The original cabin had turned into its head, and the size only accounted for less than one-tenth of the whole. Where is it hidden.

    The star thieves didn't pay attention to other people's spaceships just now because they were small, but now it has become several times larger than their spaceships, and the tall figures stand there, making their spaceships look like human toys. Same.

    The too-good-looking young man sat in the giant's head and looked at them coldly through the transparent cover, his eyes seemed to say, "You are dead!"

    The captain subconsciously pressed the weapon launch button, and the shells poured out for a while, but unfortunately they did not cause any damage to the opponent.

    This time they saw clearly that it was not their weapons that had a problem, but that the shells that were fired seemed to hit an invisible shield, and then were absorbed by that shield!

    The star thieves suddenly shed cold sweat on their foreheads.

    "Gulu——" At this time, he woke up from all the alcohol, and a man whose face was covered with long scars swallowed hard and said in a trembling voice, "Do you still remember the news that was circulated on the dark web recently? Is it?"

    "I heard that a small spaceship appeared a few years ago. It looks ordinary, but the force value is terrifyingly high. I don't know how to form a revenge. It's hard to get along with us star thieves.

    " None of the star thieves in his hands are not planted, we, we must have encountered the legendary star thief Terminator, right?"

    If Yang Yan heard him, he would definitely feel that he Very wrong, he never took the initiative to hunt down star thieves, right? Every time it is like today, those star thieves who encounter him feel that he is easy to bully, and they will rob him when they come up. Is he still not allowed to resist?

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