Chapter 215

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Chapter 215 The Prime Minister's "Daughter" 3

    [Five sisters, don't you? Use deliberately demeaning people to cover up your true thoughts,] Yang Yan quickly wrote, [Just don't know if Suojuren is willing to change people? Or? Fifth sister asks father to ask? 】

    "Don't talk nonsense any more!" The fifth girl said sternly, "Never? These things you said, if you talk nonsense again, if it spreads out, won't it ruin my sister's reputation? Say, if you are tired, my sisters at home. Your reputation, do you want to see daddy? Kill you!"

    Yang Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at her: [Really? 】

    "Of course it's true!" The fifth girl looked a little more relaxed. "Don't think about it, there's no such thing at all! We sisters are all one. If my reputation is ruined, everyone will be tired."

    She looked at her two younger sisters, with warning in her eyes: "Don't think it's just me. Haven't you heard about the Wang family a few years ago?

    " If it's good, then you won't be able to ask the fourth sister, so will the sixth and seventh sisters, and even the married sisters will be implicated!" It was about themselves

    , and the sixth and seventh girls suddenly looked different. Rin, followed her to persuade the fourth sister.

    Yang Yan chuckled lightly: [Okay, since the fifth sister said so, I will believe it, don't you

    think?...] The fifth girl was nervous, and hurriedly asked: "No, what?"

    [ It seems a little strange that the fifth sister is looking for trouble for me like this! 】He wrote with some distress, 【Is it the general reason for you to be like this all of a sudden? Make me think...]

    "Who's bothering you?" Fifth Girl hurriedly interrupted, "I'm just reluctant to get Fourth Sister, I just want to get closer to you, but I don't know how to talk. I misunderstood you."

    [Eh? 】Yang Yan glanced at her in surprise, 【Wu Mei is actually like this? Is she so stupid? You can't even speak, how can you be so stupid?? 】

    The fifth girl looked at the two stupid words written on the paper, as if surrounded by sneers, and said angrily, "Qi Yan'er?! Who are you calling stupid!"

    [No? Is it only stupid people who can't speak? 】Yang Yan wrote innocently, 【Or did Wumei just talk nonsense? No? Of course, I should go and ask someone, right? My body is already weak, and I'm afraid I won't be able to live for a few years. If there is something in my heart, what if I get even more angry and have a short life? 】

    Threat, this is a naked threat at all!

    What she means is that if she is not satisfied today

    , she will give it up, and she will not live for a few years anyway.

    Good you Qi Yaner? This is forcing her to admit that she is stupid!

    The fifth girl was trembling with anger, but there was nothing she could do about her, so she could only bow her head and admit her mistake: "My sister is stupid, she knows she is wrong."

    [Do you know what's wrong? Should you apologize? 】Yang Yan wrote with a smile.

    "I'm sorry, Fourth Sister," Fifth Girl took a deep breath and tried her best to suppress her anger, "Sister Sister has a lot of it, please forgive my ignorance."

    Looking at her appearance, I don't think she will. Any more courage? Come and find trouble.

    Yang Yan waved his hand generously and told them all to retreat.

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