Chapter 212

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Chapter 212 Genius Painter 16

    Of course, Yang Yan refused. He didn't plan to stay in this world for too long. After solving Fu Yangyan's problems, he was ready to leave. It was impossible to run into the entertainment industry.

    Anan is very sorry, but everyone has their own ambitions On duty.

    "Okay, he'll come over when he's free. Didn't you invite someone to the studio today? Why don't you hurry up!" Fu Yangyan couldn't stand her? With such an enthusiastic look, he stepped forward Drag people up.

    "There's still an hour. It only takes ten minutes from here. Don't worry." Anan wanted to sign a contract immediately to settle the matter, but of course he refused to leave.

    But Fu Yangyan also made up his mind, and with his strength, he quickly "send" people out of the house.

    "Do you believe it now?" Yang Yan asked when he heard that there was no movement outside the house and walked back to the living room.

    "Who knows if you colluded with Anan?" Fu Yangyan muttered in a low voice, but he actually believed it 70% to 80% in his heart. After all, Anan's reaction just now didn't seem like a fake.

    "Then how you want to verify, it's up to you." Yang Yan said with a temper.

    Fu Yangyan was embarrassed and embarrassed, and asked a little apprehensively, "Everything you said is true? What the hell are you doing?"

    Before, he said he was a ghost, but since then? Judging from the attire just now, he looked more like a fairy.

    So it shouldn't be a big man, right? Doubting him yourself and forcing him to testify, will it annoy him?

    "This deity has never deceived you," Yang Yan stood up and said, "As for the others, you don't need to get to the bottom of it, because I'm leaving soon."

    "Ah? Are you leaving?" Fu Yangyan was a little surprised, but he wasn't Reluctant? It's just... uh, quite suddenly.

    "Goodbye by fate." Yang Yan patted his shoulder, and a light invisible to mortals entered his body along the palm of his hand, and then faded away in front of his face.

    He left? Too fast, too fast? Fu Yangyan didn't even respond? He disappeared without a trace, and stayed in place for a while before he suddenly woke up.

    Since it has been proved that he is not a hallucination, and he will not hurt himself, can he not pursue Jiang Xue with confidence?

    Fu Yangyan, who had figured it out, barely jumped up, ran out the door excitedly,

    drove to the studio, the smile on his face never disappeared along the way, he was so happy like a child who weighed more than 100 pounds.

    But he didn't go as smoothly as he imagined. Before, Jian Jiangxue took the initiative to express his intentions to him, although he pretended to be stupid and didn't respond because he didn't want to implicate the other party.

    But the injury has already been done. Jian Jiangxue has been hurt once, so she is more cautious about her feelings. His repeated attitude doesn't seem to be sincere.

    Fu Yangyan's first confession was in a hurry and was rejected very quickly, but he did not give up easily, and with the help of Anan and the people in the studio, he finally got the United States back after two years. .

    As for Man Wencheng, who Anan had been using to stimulate him, he didn't stir up any waves in their relationship at all.

    His actual age is five years younger than this world, so he was a little concerned that Jian Jiangxue was older than him, and because he knew of her early efforts, he believed that she loved him miserably.

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