Chapter 208

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Chapter 208 Genius Painter 12

    [I have no way to prove it to you,] Yang Yan helplessly spreads his hands, [I am afraid that no matter what I say to you now? You will not believe it, but I would like to remind you, you have thought that once you are diagnosed For the spirit? People? What? Consequences? ]

    [Although people all over the world know that you and Fu Tao's family have turned their backs on you, they are still your relatives in law. If Fu Tao thinks you are mentally ill Ming wants to send you to a mental hospital, and no one can stop him. 】

    Fu Yangyan believed that Fu Tao could indeed do such a thing. If he knew that he was mentally ill, he would definitely be happy to take over all his property and send him to a mental hospital.

    And there are two mothers and sons, Lu Yinyun and Fu Yunze, who hate him to the bone? .

    [I stress again, I have no ill will towards you. 】Seeing him? It seems to be calmer? Yang Yan continued, "It won't help me to say more about this, but I believe that after waiting for a long time, you will naturally understand. 】

    Silence? After a while, Fu Yangyan said sullenly: [Besides trusting you, I don't seem to have any other way? 】

    This person who suddenly appeared and claimed to be a ghost can easily take control of his body. If he really wants to be unfavorable to him, he has no ability to resist at all.

    The only thing he can do now is to pray that the other party didn't lie, so he still has a chance.

    Seeing him? Did you really figure it out? Yang Yan returned the control of his body to him. The world seemed to reject him very much. If it wasn't for Fu Yangyan's cover, I'm afraid he would be gone now? Has been shot out?

    Fu Yangyan was very excited when he discovered that his body was following his thoughts. He never knew that simple actions like blinking his eyes and shaking his head could move him to tears.

    [Sorry...] Yang Yan coughed lightly, and said with some guilt, [I was in a hurry just now and scared you? 】

    Fu Yangyan didn't want to pay attention to him? The feeling of being trapped in the body and losing control was so terrible that he couldn't have any good feelings for the culprit.

    And he was embarrassed to admit that he was a big man, if he hadn't been able to control his body before, he

    would probably be scared to pee out.

    But if the person in his body is telling the truth, then? Can he try metaphysical methods?

    Are ghosts more afraid of Taoists or monks? Or go back and find out which Taoist temple in the city has real materials, maybe they have a way to expel him.

    [That...] Yang Yan reminded a little embarrassedly, [I can hear you if the thoughts in your mind are too intense. 】

    Fu Yangyan was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating? The blood on his face faded, and he was so stiff that he didn't dare to move.

    [And as far as I know, I should be an example in this world, so whether it’s Taoism or Buddhism, or other sects abroad, they’re all just people’s beliefs? They’re not valid for me. ]

    [Shut up, you?...] Fu Yangyan is almost shutting himself up?, [How did I provoke you? Such a thing? ]

    [Probably because we have the same name? 】Yang Yan hesitated and said, in fact, he is also looking for an answer to this question, 【Get to know me, my name is Yang Yan. 】

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