Chapter 252

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Chapter 252 Gao Leng Sect Master 18

    As the third major sect in the cultivation world, Shuiyang Palace occupies the entire Shuiyang Lake as a dojo. The palace was built on an island in the middle of the lake with a radius of ten miles in the middle. It is very rich.

    The main hall where the palace lord lives on weekdays occupies one-fifth of the entire island, enclosing a small lake on the island inside. This lake is covered with lotus flowers of various colors, and the wind blows beautifully. No one could guess that there is a cruel purgatory under such beautiful scenery.

    Carrying the collar of the palace lord, Yang Yan flew to the pavilion in the middle of the lake like a dead dog. Several apprentices also flew up, and Yun Ting also held the Honghe Zhenjun who fell into her hands again.

    Although the bleeding had stopped at his broken arm, his vitality was severely injured and his face was pale. At this time, seeing the secret about to be revealed, but was unable to stop it, his eyes were only bleak, and he had long since lost the appearance of the elegant and beautiful son of the past.

    Elder Jin Yu was severely injured by Fang Cai's palm. He swallowed some healing medicine to suppress the pain and followed him. Seeing the humiliation of the palace master, his lips twitched a few times, but he didn't say anything after all.

    The world of comprehension respects their strength. Their skills are not as good as others, so they can't be decent. All the disciples of Shuiyang Palace are also gray and defeated. They are like defeated roosters, looking down at their master and apprentice actions.

    According to the method in the memory of the palace master, Yang Yan shot four spiritual powers at the same time towards the four pillars of the pavilion.

    "Father?" Yun Ting looked excited, but did not step forward immediately.

    Yang Yan nodded to her, and she hurried in, and she soon heard a heart-breaking cry: "Father! Xingxian, Honghe! I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

    Shuiyang Why can't everyone in the palace guess that Elder Yutang is inside? They all looked at the palace master and his son for a while, and the two avoided their sight with a guilty conscience, and the hearts of everyone were suddenly mixed.

    Before, they all believed in their palace lords, and they would rather die to preserve their dignity. Now that the facts are in front of them, their sincere maintenance has become a hoax, and they don't know how to deal with it.

    Yang Yan did not intend to enter the secret room. Several disciples also stood beside him and waited quietly. After a while, Yun Ting walked out with a person in his arms with tears on his face: "Master, please save my father."

    Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on the person in her arms, and after seeing it clearly, a chill couldn't help but rise in the bottom of my heart.

    The man was almost unable to see the human form, his limbs were softly drooping like no bones, and the clothes on his body were stained with blood and filth so that the original color could not be seen. From the laceration, you can see that his body is skinny, covered with criss-crossing scars.

    His face was also so thin and out of shape that he could vaguely see the appearance of Elder Yutang, but the eyes he barely opened were a dull gray, and he was already blind.

    "Yutang..." Elder Jin Yu called out in disbelief and looked at the palace master angrily, "You actually took him seriously! Killing people is just a no-brainer, what kind of deep hatred is there, you have to imprison people and torture them. ?" The

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