Chapter 312

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Chapter 312 Interstellar Legend 13

    In the millennium, when humans fought against interstellar alien beasts, although they ended up killing them and winning, these victories were almost all filled in with human lives.

    Before these powerful creatures appeared, the relationship between human beings was not as peaceful as it is now. It seems that no matter what era, there will be careerists, fighting for power for their own interests.

    However, the interstellar beasts united everyone. In order to eliminate these powerful creatures that feed on humans, everyone gave up fighting and agreed to the outside world.

    Every year, a large number of soldiers graduate from military academies and enter the battlefield. Every year, people are killed in the mouths and claws of interstellar beasts. According to statistics, almost half of those who went to the battlefield did not return home alive.

    What a terrifying number this is, but the Alliance has no way to do it. They have been working hard for thousands of years, but their weapons have never been able to break through enough to tear their terrifyingly strong skin in one fell swoop.

    But now there are people who have killed the alien beast with their bare hands, and it is still a mutant beast whose strength is very close to the interstellar alien beast.

    Although the young man himself didn't know what was going on, they believed that as long as there was a breakthrough, the reason would be discovered sooner or later.

    Therefore, Yang Yan was immediately sent back to the space station, and then he was sent directly to the research institute without even being able to return to the school, which is not a strange thing.

    He was very cooperative in drawing blood, collecting flesh tissue and hair, but unfortunately, the researcher did not find anything abnormal in the tests, only to see that his cell activity was particularly strong.

    A group of people surrounded him, their fiery eyes wishing to take him apart to take a look, but the moral sense in their hearts finally forced them to suppress this desire.

    Even though it has been more than 3,000 years in the interstellar space, human experiments are still expressly prohibited. Of course, some people are still operating secretly, and similar dens are destroyed from time to time, but the official research institute affiliated to the alliance is still worth a try.

    It was out of this trust that Yang Yan chose to expose his chopsticks. Taking ten thousand steps back, if he really turned into a wolf's den, he would be sure to get out.

    Human beings in this world have used technology to the extreme. People believe in science and rely on science. They choose to use instruments to solve any problem. If the human body is not strong enough, then make a transformation fluid. If you encounter an interstellar beast, then make a more powerful weapon. .

    He rummaged through the Star Net about cultivation, but he didn't even have any legends. In some imaginative novels, most of the protagonists' adventures were met with hidden scientific research bosses, who were transformed into more powerful physiques.

    But Yang Yan had discovered during military training before that compared to weapons such as laser swords and particle guns, the qi he developed was more damaging to alien beasts.

    And after Chaos Planet encountered the clone that was infinitely close to the interstellar alien beast in the original owner's memory, this was further verified. The weapon could not hurt their outer skin, but the energy of punching in it was madly destroyed. inside of them.

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