Chapter 226

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Chapter 226 The Prime Minister's "Daughter" 14

    Qi Xuan didn't know? He lied to the Lord? He felt that the excuse he made was very suitable. The old lady at home was indeed ill, and he had indeed hired several famous doctors and even the imperial doctor could not cure him.

    However, her illness has a long history. Although Qi Xuan came from an aristocratic family, he was only a marginal offshoot of the Qi family. His father ate, drank, prostituted and gambled when he was young. out.

    Fortunately, he died early, and the mother and son had a way to live. However, the orphan and the widowed mother and the family had no permanent property. The two lived very hard. The root of Qi's mother's illness was in those years? Painfully drilled into the camp, determined to be a master.

    In his heart, there is nothing that cannot be used. The old lady's illness has a reason to be able to approach Yang Yan Dao openly and honestly without attracting the emperor's suspicion.

    Using his daughter's death as an excuse not only helped his mother gain fame, but also showed the world that his family was in harmony, even a small concubine would pay special attention.

    And by saying this, he put himself in a position of sympathy, and even if the average person is not happy in his heart, he will not bear to refuse because of his miserable sake.

    Seeing him on the surface? Humble, but his eyes are full of victory, Yang Yan really doesn't know? Where did he get his confidence, he couldn't help laughing: "Qi Xiang or hire another Gao Ming!"

    "Xianshi?" Qi Xuan was a little surprised, but for so many years? He was used to it for a long time, and he controlled the expression on his face well, and his eyes turned red in an instant.

    "Is there really nothing that even the Immortal Master can do?" The thin body swayed slightly, but quickly stabilized, but the slightly trembling fingers revealed the sadness in his heart.

    "Mother has suffered for most of my life for me, and now I have finally paid for it. It's time for me to pay back, but I haven't had a few years to enjoy the blessings, and it's actually..."

    Qi Xuan covered his face with his sleeves. , he was so choked up that he couldn't speak anymore. Half of his words were out of sincerity, and the other half was for sympathy. The atmosphere was so well rendered that everyone around him moved.

    "Immortal Master, for the sake of Qi Xiang's filial piety, I beg you to visit Mrs. Qi!" The first person who helped him to intercede was Zhang Yushi, who had always been known for his uprightness in the court. They couldn't understand that Prime Minister Qi liked to go to the camp, and he usually caught his little one by mistake.

    But today's events have changed his mind a little. He is a dutiful son himself.

    Seeing Qi Xiang, who always has a hypocritical face, put down his air and begged for help in a low voice for his mother. Are you being too harsh on him?

    Even the political opponents helped to speak, and it was impossible for the ministers who had always been friends with the prime minister to remain silent, but their words were not so pleasing.

    "Qi Xiang has served the country and the people for many years. It can be said that he has worked hard and made a lot of money. Even after hearing about this, His Majesty also sent Lu Yuanjian to diagnose and treat the old lady, and asked the chief to make it easier." "Don't worry about Dao? Chang? Qi Xiang has already said it first. No matter whether Dao?     Chang ? can cure the     old

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