Chapter 234

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Chapter 234 The "Daughter of Gold" in the Prime Minister's House 22

    The seventh prince took a look and was very satisfied with the result. Although his father's will was for him to take good care of this woman, but he offered food and drink to himself, she couldn't think of it, what could he do?

    Besides, it was impossible for the royal father to really value her and the child in her womb. At that time, it was mostly just a temporary anger. When he coaxed the old man to calm down, the swordsman who dared to harm him could also disappear.

    With a plan in mind, the seventh prince entered the palace and cried bitterly in front of the old emperor as soon as the ban was lifted.

    After a few times, the old emperor was really coaxed by him. After all, what he committed was not a very serious thing. When it was older, it was bullying the king. .

    The seventh prince naturally noticed the loosening of his father's attitude, and was so excited that he drank a few more drinks at the banquet. As a result, he was extremely happy and sad. When he walked out of the restaurant drunk, he bumped into someone. waist.

    When he fell softly, the attendant thought that he was too drunk to stand still, and only reacted when he saw the surging blood, and shouted loudly to get the assassin.

    The assassin probably knew that he could not escape. After laughing three times, he raised his knife and killed himself. The seventh prince was carried back to the mansion for rescue.

    Yang Yan still got the news from Lu Yuanjian. He heard that the seventh prince sent someone to arrest Suo Yuxuan in the mansion as soon as he woke up. As a result, she gave birth to a stillbirth early.

    After a little investigation, he discovered that the assassin who killed himself was actually Alai, who had disappeared for a long time. In the last life, the three of them fought together and finally got rich and noble. Unexpectedly, all this turned into life and death enemies.

    Yang Yan laughed sarcastically and put the matter aside. Suo Yuxuan didn't worry about what to do next. In short, she had offended the old emperor before, and now she has indirectly killed the seventh prince. room.

    However, it was later heard that the Seventh Prince had become extremely tyrannical because of his body, and that the servants in the house were often to blame, and someone was carried out from it every few days.

    He mentioned this to the old emperor. After all, condoning the evil of his children is also detrimental to merit.

    The old emperor was very frightened. He took care of the country conscientiously and tried his best to make the people live a good life. Isn't the plan to accumulate merit and get what he wanted one day?

    He was still careful when he issued every decree, for fear that his own son would drag him down here, even though he would retaliate and harm others.

    The old emperor immediately reprimanded the Seventh Prince Xuan into the palace, and said that if he did not change his mind, he would definitely be demoted to a commoner.

    The seventh prince was already scared when he heard that his father was threatening to abolish his son. Now he has become an inhuman cripple, even the prince's honor cannot help but talk behind his back. Layer identity, will no one be trampled on your head in the future?

    After returning to the mansion, his behavior has been restrained a lot. Although he is unavoidable to be angry and reprimanded, he does not dare to give orders to beat people. .

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