Chapter 299

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Chapter 299

    Since Chun Wei, Yang Yan has become very busy. He has trained four Jinshi brothers in one breath, one of whom is still the top scholar in high school. For a time, his reputation has become so popular that countless people want to apprentice under his name.

    Every day, famous posts from various prefectures are passed to Su Mansion, either for their own sons and nephews, or for relatives and friends around the corner.

    Yang Yan picked a few to meet, but he didn't respond to any of the apprenticeships. It's okay to be reasonable. Although it's a pity, the master and the apprentice are talking about your love and my wishes. You can't force others, right?

    There were those who were unreasonable and really tried to suppress them, and there were even people who asked them to be in front of the emperor, but he had already reported to the saint that he did not want to accept disciples, so he was stopped by him.

    Even the emperor was protecting him, those people finally calmed down a little bit, but they couldn't help but say some sour words behind their backs, what kind of people only look up to the prince Longsun, why do they know that the Su family is smart, and it's all up to him to get into the jinshi exam. I do n't dare to accept it because I'm afraid I'll break the signboard...

    These unreasonable denunciations are really believed, but when Brother Su and others were invited to the party, they "unintentionally" revealed that he was the lay master Xianyun. When I went out, I gave a brief commission to the fourth brother/fourth brother. It seems that he intends to open an academy, and the wind direction changed again in an instant.

    Yang Yan saw that the momentum was enough, and when someone came to ask questions, he graciously recognized it. The Decai Academy that had been prepared for a long time also officially appeared in front of everyone, but the academy was still just an empty shell.

    It is not difficult to attract famous teachers with his current reputation. He doesn't even have to go to the door to invite him in person, and many people come here. All he needs to do is to choose the right person.

    The philosophy of the Decai Academy is just like the name. It cultivates not only the talents and learning of the students, but also the morality. To achieve this, the teachers of the academy must first pass the morality test.

    There were a lot of things to do in the early stage. Although there were a few brothers to help, Yang Yan was still busy, and even ignored many important things, until one day he was suddenly stopped by the second son of Nan Wang.

    Looking at his haggard face and meeting his complicated eyes, he suddenly remembered, as if he had dug a hole for others.

    It has been more than four months since the prince died of illness in the dream. The second son of Nanwang has been extremely tormented these days. At first, he didn't understand why so many things in the dream and outside the dream were right, but the most important thing was this. Things didn't.

    Later, as the dream slowly progressed, he gradually understood where the variables came from. The real and fake sons in the dream did not come out so early, and there was no Master Su, only when he was a teenager, he was the champion, and he climbed from the fifth-rank official in the dynasty. Zuo Yangyan rose up.

    It wasn't until half a year ago that he dreamed that when he was young, he was rescued by Zuo Yangyan, who was still the heir of the Marquis of Jinshou Mansion, and when he saw his wife's haggard face, he finally fully understood what went wrong.

    Facing his questioning, Qin Shuiyao was always bitten to death and didn't understand what he was talking about, but she didn't tell him that he would investigate. Qin Shuiyao was just an ordinary daughter of the Houfu, and there were only a few people who could use it.

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