Chapter 265

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Chapter 265 Genius Ghost Hunter 3

    "If you don't know how to speak, don't interrupt," the middle-aged man next to him rushed forward and slapped Aunt Li on the back. When he looked back at them, the expression on his face changed to a vicious, flattering expression. "Xiao Jin is right, this little brother has the ability to see that he can catch that annoying female ghost."

    The relationship between the two is obviously husband and wife. He was slapped vigorously, but he didn't dare to say a word, and shrank beside him like a quail.

    Yang Yan's gaze lingered on the faces of the two for a moment, and then fell on the face of the young man on the sofa, his brows moved slightly, and he thought: It's interesting.

    "Who are these two?" Luo Yongyuan had not seen them before and couldn't help asking.

    He is not too busy, mainly because the clothes they are wearing are not cheap, but their temperament is very petite, not worthy of expensive clothes at all, just like an old farmer who has been shaving food in the fields for many years, suddenly Like wearing a light gauze robe, the sense of disobedience is particularly heavy, and I am a little curious.

    "This is Uncle Yang and Aunt Li. When they were first entangled by the female ghost, I was so scared that I rolled down the mountain. Thanks to them for saving me, I might not have seen you now." Zeng Zijin said gratefully. .

    "We just happened to meet, Xiao Jin, you are blessed with great fortune, and even if you don't meet us, you will definitely be fine." Uncle Yang said modestly, but the expression on his face was different. Obviously Very proud to be the savior of rich children.

    "So it is." Luo Yongyuan asked casually, but after satisfying his curiosity, he lost interest.

    But Yang Yan suddenly said at this moment: "But I see their faces, it seems that they are related to you." The

    husband and wife were so frightened that they stopped breathing, and Zeng Zijin's expression froze, but he quickly Returning to normal, he smiled naturally, and said, "Uncle Yang and Aunt Li are from our hometown. We are all related in the village."

    Then he didn't give him a chance to ask any more questions, and covered his chest with a painful expression. Said: "I can't breathe, Master Zhang, can you help me take a look?"

    "Of course." Yang Yan chuckled in his heart, but there was no change on his face. He looked so cold and walked over.

    Zeng Zijin's physical strength was indeed very heavy, but the female ghost didn't seem to want to kill him all at once, and he had something to protect him, which made him linger on until now.

    He came to the same conclusion as the original owner, Yang Yan did not rush to remove the yin qi for him, but only injected the true qi into his body to temporarily suppress it.

    Zeng Zijin's complexion was much better visible to the naked eye. His lips were no longer purple, and his face was bloody. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Master Zhang, I don't have that feeling of being held down by something heavy. I'm done."

    "You're welcome, the money is enough." Yang Yan's cold and indifferent words instantly blocked all his unnecessary words of gratitude.

    "Of course." Zeng Zijin signaled to Butler Wang, who immediately presented a card and said respectfully, "Master Zhang, there is one million in it, and when the matter is resolved, the Zeng family will offer another important card. Courtesy."

    Yang Yan took it as a matter of course, and said, "Then ask Zeng Shao to tell me where he is and why he provokes this specter. The more detailed the better." Before

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