Chapter 277

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Chapter 277 Genius Ghost Hunter 15

    Early the next morning, Zhou Shuisheng pushed his grandfather with a unicycle, and the group left the small mountain village and set foot on the road back to J City under the curious and envious eyes of the village children.

    With two more people, the original car would definitely not fit. Fortunately, although Ruxin Town was poor and the price was high, they rented a car and drove directly to the hospital when they arrived in the city.

    First, Mr. Zhou's leg needs regular treatment, and secondly, the great-grandparents and great-grandparents also want to get the identification results earlier, so that the child's heart will be better.

    And they went to the same hospital where Zeng Zijin lived, and they walked into the lobby on the first floor by coincidence, and met Uncle Yang and Aunt Li head-on.

    Zeng Zijin couldn't sleep well all night, and he started to lose his temper when he woke up in the morning. Unfortunately, the two couples became punching bags and were scolded all over the place.

    On the one hand, they feel sorry for the fact that he is suffering, and on the other hand, they are also a little afraid of this son who grew up in a rich family. slipped out.

    Not wanting to see two familiar figures as soon as they got out of the elevator, Aunt Li couldn't help but step forward and complained a little, "Why did Mrs. and Mrs. come here? Xiao Jin has been punished by the boss for one day and one night. What do you do? Parents don’t know how to care.”

    Although Zeng’s father and mother knew that the child who raised 20 years was not a parent-child, but after years of getting along with him, he still had feelings for him, and he was naturally worried when he knew that he was not good, but the tone of her voice was heard. , they both felt very uncomfortable.

    Moreover, when Master Zhang said that the two people had a blood relationship with Xiao Jin, they all listened to it. Before, they found that the two couples always cared about Xiao Jin very much. When they mentioned it, they always said that they had no children or daughters. After saving him, he couldn't help but treat him as his own child.

    At that time, they only felt that no matter if the two were sincere, or if they wanted to please Xiao Jin, in short, they didn't have any bad intentions, so they left it alone.

    Now that I have other thoughts in my mind, I always feel that something is wrong when I look at their actions. Could it be that these two people exchanged their own sons for their children?

    If it's true, what about Xiao Jin? Does he know these things?

    The husband and wife have known and loved each other for many years, and they can understand each other's meaning with every action and look.

    Mrs. Zeng looked sullen, and Father Zeng said solemnly, "Aunt Li, this is our Zeng family's business. You are too lenient, aren't you?

    " The prestige is very heavy, and the elites in the company are a little terrified when their faces sink, let alone an ordinary woman with little knowledge?

    Aunt Li's legs immediately became a little soft, her heart was beating non-stop, her chest was almost out of breath, she looked terrified and couldn't say a word.

    Uncle Yang also felt resentment towards the two of them, so he didn't stop his wife when she spoke out, but seeing that the situation was not right, he immediately slapped her on the back and said angrily, "If you don't know how to speak, keep your mouth shut! Then he nodded and bowed to the

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