Chapter 289

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Chapter 289

    The original owner had been to the palace when he was the heir of the Marquis of Jinshou Mansion before, but he usually accompanied his father to attend the banquet in the palace.

    Just after being carried over the high threshold at the entrance of the temple, a somewhat familiar and yet unfamiliar voice came from inside: "Ayan is suffering, look at your little face..."

    As the person approached, the emperor looked at After clearing his appearance, the word "clearing" couldn't be uttered no matter what, and he was stuck there in embarrassment.

    A smile flashed in Yang Yan's eyes imperceptibly, he lowered his head and narrowed his eyes, and said, "Caomin Su Yangyan pays homage to His Majesty, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, please forgive the inconvenience of Caomin, unable to give a big gift." The

    emperor coughed lightly . With a sound, he said: "It's okay, I heard that you were wronged a few days ago, and I didn't know about it until recently, but from your appearance, it seems that your life in the Su family is not bad."

    "Your Majesty is thinking, parents and brothers Sister-in-law is very good to Caomin." Yang Yan showed a hint of gratitude on his face, and then sighed, "Caomin is not wronged in this matter, it is Zuo Yangyi who is really wronged." The

    emperor was very satisfied with his performance If what he said was sincere, it would be enough to show the child's heart, and if he pretended to be so perfect without showing a trace, it would be enough to show his ability. Either way, it can prove that this child is by no means mediocre.

    "It's rare that you can be so open-minded when faced with a great calamity," he said without delving into it. He picked up the words on the case and said, "I think you know why I came here to find you. Your book has caused a sensation in the whole country!"

    "Yes, Caomin knows." Yang Yan pursed his lips slightly, with a little excitement and a little shyness on his face, "At the beginning of Caomin's writing, he just saw that his family was poor, and he didn't want to be a waste and dragged his family down. Later, he was unwilling to think about it for many years. I didn’t want to disturb Your Majesty.”

    When he said that he was unwilling, his eyes inevitably had a hint of sadness, but he soon showed a smile: “But if you can show what you have learned in another way, Caomin also Satisfied."

    The emperor was noncommittal about his statement, brought up several of the strategies that had not been implemented, and was slightly disappointed to find that these were really just his immature ideas, including those that proved to be feasible, and at first only stemmed from his strangeness. Just an idea.

    However, this does not mean that he is useless. On the contrary, after examining his knowledge, the emperor believes that this son can be called a rough jade, and it will definitely shine after being tempered.

    He glanced at the boy's leg without a trace, thinking that he just didn't know if he could stand the grinding process.

    The emperor hesitated for a while, but decided to give him a chance and proposed that he could be promoted to the court by exception, but was unexpectedly rejected.

    "Thank you for your kindness, but Caomin doesn't want to be here now." Yang Yan looked calm, as if what he rejected was just an ordinary person, not the king of a country.

    The emperor did not get angry because of this, but asked his future plans calmly: "Isn't Ayan planning to make a living from writing books in the future?"

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