Chapter 260

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Chapter 260 Gao Leng Sect Master 26

    If Tianhua Zhenzun's death, Yi Ming and others can still be regarded as a normal sect of vendetta, but after missing for nearly ten years, the younger sister of the Sanxiu League, Yueling, accused the senior brother of the crime in front of the alliance.

    Afterwards, he provoked a life-and-death confrontation and killed him in front of everyone. The leader of the loose cultivator lost his beloved disciple and wanted to punish him, but Yueling was rescued by a god-turning true venerable who was blocked by many obstacles.

    The same women's revenge, two of which are known to have mysterious god-turning true venerables appear, and the other two are unknown, no matter how dull they are, they know that someone is definitely targeting them and others.

    After losing two "lovers", Lou Yuzhen was in severe pain again. After solving it in a special way, he seriously asked the remaining lovers to avenge them.

    This time, they didn't perfunctory any more. Zhenzun Hongmiao and Zhenzun Ziang traveled thousands of miles to Taishangzong, and even the Demon Venerable quickly arranged the affairs of the demon world.

    "I'm afraid we all thought wrong before," Zhenzun Hongmiao looked solemn, "That God Transformation is definitely targeting us. The two Zhenzuns who haven't been in the world for a long time have no grudges and no hatred against us, and they won't be one of them. "

    Could it be that this person is really Yang Yan?" When Zhenzun Yiming mentioned that name, his always calm face couldn't help but fluctuate a little, "Mozun, didn't you say that the medicine is the treasure of the devil world, and it is impossible for anyone to escape." Does it have any influence?" The

    Demon Venerable sneered when he heard the words: "Is it true that he hasn't been sure yet? Didn't Zhenzun Ziang personally test the medicine? Why rush to hold this seat accountable first?"

    "The Demon Venerable is here in Blame the deity?" Ziang Zhenzun looked unhappy, "Although that medicine has been tried on the Yuan Ying cultivator, don't forget that the deity also said that the deity can't guarantee whether it will work in the spirit transformation period. You swear that there is absolutely no problem."

    "Of course there can't be a problem, that old thing Fei Rong has personally tested it on Le Yu." The young man glanced at him, "Maybe someone is thinking about the old relationship, and the weight is not enough."

    "Zhenzun Leyu was actually the handwriting of your demons!" Zhenzun Hongmiao said in surprise.

    "I've put all the medicine you gave me into the formation." At the same time, Zhenjun Yuan Qing also defended himself.

    "That old man Fei Rong does nothing for this seat. If you want to avenge your ancestors, you can wipe your neck and go to him." The Demon Venerable sneered, "There is such an example, you don't need to think about how the medicine works. No matter how much you talk about, as for why it doesn’t work for Yang Yan, you have to ask yourself, anyway, it’s not this seat that prescribes the medicine.” Zhenzun Hongmiao

    was swallowed hard by him, and Zhenjun Yuanqing also tried his best to defend himself. If he really had a master-disciple relationship with Yang Yan Zhenzun, he would not have attacked the innocent.

    A few men were just maintaining the surface peace, but now they can't help but blame each other and argue first.

    "Stop arguing, let's discuss what we should do now, shall we?"

    Lou Yuzhen interrupted their meaningless quarrel with a headache, feeling strangely the troubles of mortal men's discord between wives and concubines.

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