Chapter 259

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Chapter 259 Gao Leng Sect Master 25

    Lou Yuzhen couldn't help screaming in a low voice, this frightened the man beside him, Yi Ming Zhenzun was the closest, he immediately hugged him, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong, Yu'er?"

    "Master Reverence, it hurts so much!" Lou Yuzhen covered his lower abdomen with both hands and leaned against him softly, his face was pale, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his lips lost color.

    Zhenzun Yi Ming was about to break his heart when he saw her like this, so he hurriedly squeezed her wrist and injected a spiritual energy into her body to investigate the situation. After the trace, Lou Yu's real pain stopped for a moment.

    He was stunned, and was about to ask, but the disciple began to cry out in pain again, and his face was a bit more ugly than before. He had to suppress the doubts in his heart and continued to inject spiritual power into her body.

    Lou Yuzhen only felt that her lower abdomen was in unbearable pain. Although the spiritual energy injected into her body could temporarily relieve the pain, it couldn't cure it. At this time, a thirst rose from her body, and she couldn't control herself to hug the man next to her. Give your lips.

    "Master, I want..." A

    charming voice emerged from the lips of the two of them, her eyes were blurred, and her whole body had been stunned by desire, her cheeks were dyed crimson, and her body was flushed. If there is any fragrance.

    Not only Zhenzun Yiming, who was in close contact with her, saw his stomach tighten, but Zhenzun Yuanqing, Zhenzun Tianhua and others next to her were also burning with desire, with a faint redness in their eyes.

    "Let's go." Zhenzun Yiming suppressed the urge to rectify her on the spot with the greatest reason, and tried his best to summon Feijian, picked her up, jumped up and left, and the other four men quickly followed, far away. Seeing that the sky was flying unsteadily.

    "Sect Master of the Supreme Sect and his apprentice really have this kind of relationship!" The disciples of Shuiyang Palace, who witnessed all this from beginning to end, were stunned, "And Tianhua Zhenzun and them, it seems that they are the same as that Hanyu. The relationship between

    Zhenzun is also unusual." "Before, I thought that Sea King layman had a grudge against them and deliberately made up and ruined their reputation. After all, which man in this world can tolerate a woman who is half-hearted? indivual."

    A female cultivator touched her face subconsciously, her eyes full of admiration: "But now it seems that what the layman wrote is probably true, Hanyu Zhenzun is really good."

    At this time, the figures of several people in the air were no longer visible. , I don't know where they went to be happy and happy. The girls took back the sight of the gossip, and then they were horrified to find that the master / uncle / brother / brother in the door was looking into the distance, with deep envy in his eyes. .

    However, he said that Zhenzun Yiming and others hadn't flown very far, and Lou Yuzhen could no longer control himself. He started to pick up Shizun's clothes on top of Feixian. He had to give up the idea of ​​finding an inn for placement. A hill descended in a hurry.

    In the open air, five men took turns to play, and it took three days and three nights to calm them down. Rao Shi Lou Yuzhen was used to messing with them, and he was a little shy when he woke up.

    But at this time, she couldn't care about any shyness, and when she turned her eyes, there were tears in her eyes, and she said with a weeping voice: "Big Brother Honghe and Big Brother Hongyu have an accident!"

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