Chapter 217

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Chapter 217 The Prime Minister's "Daughter" 5

    As the person who slept the most peacefully in the whole small courtyard, Yang Yanyi woke up and the sky was already a little bright. Hearing the sound of Xixi Susuo from outside the house, he got up and opened the door. It was indeed a green warbler. This girl is waiting outside.

    Her face was haggard, her eyes were red, she had not slept well all night, and it was very likely that she had secretly cried while hiding under the quilt.

    "Miss, good morning!" The little girl didn't know how embarrassed she looked, she tried her best to squeeze a smile, walked in with a teapot in hand, pretended to be nothing, and said, "My servant thinks you are about to wake up. ."

    While playing with the things in the house, she said crisply: "Miss first, drink some warm water to moisten your throat, and the servants will fetch water to wait for you to wash, just in time? The fine rice porridge in the pot is almost ready. Now, I’ll drink

    something to nourish my stomach.” The girl was afraid of touching her master’s sadness, so she never stopped when she opened her mouth, and she tried her best to create a good atmosphere by talking to herself. Lively.

    Thanks for her diligence, Yang Yan didn't think she was noisy at all, he washed up with a smile, had breakfast, and exercised in circles in the small yard as he was accustomed to, with the little girl still chatting around her.

    Such a big movement meant that the dead should be woken up. Suo Yuxuan, the master and servant, finally couldn't lie down. He pushed open the door with a tired look and walked out.

    "Morning, Uncle!" Lu Ying covered her mouth exaggeratedly, "I'm sorry! My servant saw that you worked hard until midnight last night, thinking that you won't get up so early, so you didn't prepare your breakfast, Uncle won't blame you. Slave!"

    She said as if she was admitting her mistake, but her eyes were full of provocation, and anyone could see that her words were wrong.

    Suo Yuxuan naturally understood that this little girl was being left alone on the night of her master's wedding, so she rubbed her forehead with a headache and said, "I don't blame you, your first task is to serve Mrs. Okay."

    "Then the slave and maid will let the uncle go first, the uncle is really generous!" Lu Ying vainly blessed her body, and before he called out, she stood up straight, and said crisply, " There are still some things that the slaves need to ask my uncle for instructions."

    "Miss's body has always been weak, and the doctor has told me to take care of it carefully. Every day, the bird's nest supplement has never been broken. I dare to ask who my uncle and slaves should get silver taels to buy?" The

    little girl is really a lion? mouth.

    Yang Yan, who was beside him, smiled silently. Outsiders only knew that he was the young lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion


    The manor didn't cut his food and drink, but it only kept him from starving to death. Every year, several clothes would not freeze, and even the money for medicine was the monthly money saved by aunt Yang's shrinking clothes and diet, where could it be given to him? What expensive supplements does he buy?

    But these are all things in the backyard of the prime minister's mansion. Although Suo Yuxuan lived in the manor's mansion when she was a child, she was loved by thousands of people.

    Hearing what Lu Ying said, she believed it to be true, and remembered hatred in her heart, but she still needed to be close to Qi Xuan as Miss Yang Yan, so she didn't dare to treat him harshly for the time being.

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