Chapter 209

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Chapter 209 Genius Painter 13

    In a blink of an eye, the day of the art exhibition came. As the only student of Master Fu, Jian Jiangxue was not well-known, but her art exhibition was by no means deserted.

    Many celebrities and rich people in the city came to this day, and many friends from the art world also came to join in, and the opening scene was very lively.

    Fu Yangyan personally introduced her apprentice to everyone, with such a grand gesture, and Jian Jiangxue's own level has been praised by other seniors, her debut can be said to be very successful.

    Countless people crowded around this rookie in the painting world to show their hospitality, as if the previous doubts had never existed.

    Jian Jiangxue didn't become flirtatious because she was touted by everyone. She knew very well how much she weighed.

    Although it is true that there are some talents, the progress has been rapid in the past six months, but it is not enough for these people to show such enthusiasm, and they are more aimed at her teacher.

    She didn't feel resentful because of this, but she was more grateful to the teacher who gave her the opportunity, and secretly vowed that she would work harder in the future, and one day she would make him proud of herself as a student.

    The eyes of the master and the apprentice passed through the crowd and met in the air. Jian Jiangxue raised the glass of wine and gave a toast, and exchanged a look of encouragement. They were in a good mood for a while, but the next moment was destroyed by someone who suddenly appeared. .

    "Xue, I didn't expect you to have such ability. If you showed it earlier, we wouldn't have gotten to the point of divorce." The man's voice was full of regret.

    Did Jian Jiangxue almost vomit? It made him feel sick and vomited. It's really a shame that he could say something like this kind of charity.

    She raised her head, her eyes full of undisguised disgust: "Mr. Man, please call me Ms. Jane in the future. I don't think our relationship is suitable to be called so intimate."

    "I? Knowing that you are still angry about what happened before, that's why you would say such angry words." Man Wencheng said tolerantly, "However, marriage requires two people to work together. Of course I am wrong. But you should also reflect on yourself.”

    "Me?? Reflect on myself?" Jian Jiangxue laughed angrily. "What is it? Make you have the courage to say such a thing? Liang Jingru's "Courage"?"

    "Shouldn't you be?" Yu felt that nothing was wrong, and said confidently, "I have been working hard since graduation, and I have created my own company in just a few years, but you have achieved nothing."

    "The husband and wife were supposed to be

    head-to-head? Only by advancing together? Yes, one side is running hard, but the other side is always standing still, how can such a relationship be possible for a long time?"

    "Man Wencheng, did you forget when you started your business? , who took out all the money to support you? Who accompanies you to run business all day?" Jian Jiangxue was irritated by his brazenness.

    "When I got divorced, I didn't bother to entangle with you, didn't I? You really think it's all due to you because of the company fight with you? Where did you get such a big face?"

    Thinking of those years together Through the difficult days, the kind of life where one dollar can't be broken into two dollars, and can only eat the cheapest instant noodles every day for a month, she can't wait to be able to go back in time and beat herself to death at that time.

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