Chapter 305

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Chapter 305 Interstellar Legend 6

    On the other hand, Xu Zhengyang was also curious about the attitude of his friends: "Sanhuo, are you too, er... too arrogant to talk like that?"

    Judging from the recent contact and understanding, he is not so arrogant. An arrogant person, he has met other people before, and he also behaved quite low-key and polite, why did he just attack them directly.

    "Isn't what I said true?" Yang Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Both of us have killed more than 100 alien beasts, and the eight of them add up to hundreds of animals, what face is there to us? To show off in front of you?"

    "It seems to be ha..." Xu Zhengyang thought that he was not used to the attitude of those few people, thinking that when the leader just reported the number of alien beasts they had taken, the few people behind His face was so proud, he also found it a little funny. If they knew about the achievements of the little friends, they didn't know what they would be shocked.

    The other party didn't do anything too much, he just complained a few words, and then completely left a group of people behind, and the two continued their experience unaffected.

    A more correct statement is that Xu Zhengyang felt that he was the only one who came to experience it, and that guy Si Yangyan was more like coming to play. Whenever he encountered a strange beast, as long as he came alone, he would fight against it by himself. Watch a play on the side.

    However, he was not dissatisfied because of this, but was very grateful. He had seen his friends deal with alien beasts, and they were fighting against them with absolute strength. If he wanted to, he would not even have a chance to fight them.

    The military academy will arrange such an experience. One is to let them know what they will face in the future, and if they can’t stand it, there is a chance to quit; the other is to look at their potential, so that they can carry out targeted training in the future. .

    If he really didn't give him a chance to perform, that would really cut off his future, and now he can not only improve himself while fighting against alien beasts, but also don't have to worry about his life being in danger when someone is beside him.

    The only bad thing is that the psychological pressure is a bit high. He is half-dead here, but he is leisurely there. The contrast is too strong. Xu Zhengyang feels like he eats a big box of lemons every day.

    Fortunately, such days are coming to an end, and there are still three days before the end of the military training. A notification came from the transmitter on Yang Yan's waist, telling everyone to prepare to leave.

    "Finally I can leave!" Xu Zhengyang's own transmitter had been destroyed by alien beasts, and when he got the news from his retelling, he was instantly overjoyed, "It's really not a life for people to live on the barren star, when I go back, I will first Take a hot bath, eat a good meal, and sleep on it for three days and three nights!"

    "It's like when did I starve you?" Yang Yan didn't feel much, although they were on this planet. You have to do everything yourself, but there is no shortage of abundant resources.

    "That's not true. Thank you Sanhuo for your support and care." Xu Zhengyang said with a smile, "The main reason is that I have been here for three whole months, and I have to be nervous at any time. It's really tiring. Relax."

    Yang Yan saw that although his body was much stronger, his eyes were slightly blue and black, and he was indeed quite haggard. He reflected on himself in his heart, and silently cast spells to cut off the breath on his body.

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