Chapter 1 - Meeting

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It was an almost empty bar. It sure was not that famous. Inside the bar there was a young man in a suit having a drink. Even though he was sitting down, with his long legs anyone can see that he is  very tall.

His skin was white and hair was black. Although he was not smiling those lips indicate his smile must be heavenly. Behind those closed lips there were bunny teeth. And on his chin there was a mole.

After he passed as much as time he can pass with just a one drink he put some money on the table and walked out.
The luxurious car carrying the suited, long legged man drove on empty roads in midnight. It arrived at a big gate and when it opened it drove it drove toward a big house.

He got out of the car saying a simple thank you and a good night to the driver. He walked through the front door giving a slight nod to the maid who welcomed him. He walked toward his room with sleepy eyes.

He hurried his steps when he had to walk past the other's room to prevent a meeting that will highly likely wouldn’t happen.

It has been two weeks since the other person arrived here. After that uncomfortable and tiring their special day, they both haven’t seen each other. Zhan couldn’t help but wonder if the other person too avoids him just like he does.


Another week passed,

Today too the other person slept in. This other person is bit shorter than Zhan but he had fairer skin than him. His name was Yibo and he was younger to Zhan.

Sleeping in till late has been his habit for the past month. It’s not like he had something else to do anyway. He woke up stretching his arms and legs in the empty room and supposedly empty house.

This house he had recently moved in was big and luxurious. Maids were coming everyday to keep it clean and fabulous.  He hadn’t gone out but when he came here he saw that compound that house in was big as well.

It was Sunday. So maids wouldn’t be coming . He didn’t need to care about his appearance. He walked through the corridor with his dishevelled hair which resembled a nest that crows lay eggs on.

His loose shirt was barely hanging on his shoulders. It’s not that he likes to wear loose clothes. He had told maids that he can do his own laundry but like always he was too lazy to do that. He was left with no choice but to wear his baggy clothes as there were no other clothes left on his wardrobe.

Even after all that sleep he was still sleepy. With his eyes barely open he dragged his legs toward the dinning room while he nonstop scratched his neck.

He had decided to skip morning shower because he was too hungry to wait.  Probably because he had missed dinner last night again. He was controlled by his monstrous hunger and was still sleepy so much that he could not see the tall man standing in front of him.

The tall man looked at him with widden eyes and horror expression. The tall man probably had a scare of life time seeing Yibo in this way. He would not have expected to see his new husband to look like a cave man that lived in the jungle, away from human civilization.


Few hours ago

Zhan had been staying outside the house either in office or in a bar for almost a month now. He had decided to stay home this Sunday. He slept it till the sun came out which was something he rarely does. He had his maid bring out his breakfast to his room in order to avoid meeting his new husband who he married a month ago.

He sat on his bed and ate his breakfast while watching a movie. Though he was a 28 years old man he found more enjoyment in staying home and watching TV than going out with his friends or fooling out with girls. Not that he had many friends or any girls.

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