Chapter 51 - A family

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It was past 10 a.m. when Yibo woke up in an unfamiliar surrounding. He let go of the stuffed bunny he was hugging and looked around the room.

He hadn't slept in this room for months. Wondering why he slept in this room he tried to sit up. But he ended up screaming when a shear pain came from his lower body.

He lifted the blanket he was covered in upto the neck peeked down at his own body. He was wearing new clothes, not those he wore yesterday. With a curious eyes Yibo started to recall yesterday's events.

As the scene by scene began unfolding Yibo began changing colours like lizard.

When he finally reached to the tomato Red colour he laid back down on the bed and covered himself with the blanket. He put it over his head and made sure to cover all of his self. And he promised himself never to come outside world ever again.

" What happened? Why did you scream?. What's wrong? "

Zhan came running in to the room with a tray of food. He never expected to see a cocoon on the bed.

" Why are you covered like this? Are you cold? Sick? Does it hurt too much? " asked Zhan while trying to take that blanket away.

But however the mute cocoon was hanging on to the blanket like his life depended on it. His strength was no joke. The embarrassment had produced super human strength within Yibo.

" Bo, Let go.. Let go Come on.. Let me see. Let go. "

Pulling it to the two sides both lovers played tug of war.

It continued for a while and ended up with Zhan winning and as for his prize he landed on the hard floor with a loud thud.

" Zhange..!!! Are you okay? " yelled Yibo peeking down from the bed.

Zhan got up from the ground whimpering and massaging his back like a grand ma.

" Yeah. Yeah. I am fine. What about you? "

As the question hit Yibo's ears he jumped back on to the bed and hide his face with a pillow.

Zhan understood the reason for this unusual behaviour. He bit his lips to stop smiling.

Zhan walked back to the table to grab the food tray.

" Bo, sweetheart Get up. You need eat something. Eat and then you can sleep. Come on. Get up. "

After a while of urging Yibo finally let go of the pillow and sat up on the bed. But he still refused to look at Zhan and talk with him.

He was going to pick the tray but a spoon full of rice was in front of his mouth.

" Come on. Eat " said Zhan smiling at him.

Yibo obediently opened his mouth.

" Is it good? " asked Zhan with big doe eyes.

Every dish on the tray was Yibo's favourite and they all were made solely by Zhan.

Yibo nodded his in agreement. Zhan knew it was true when Yibo opened his mouth even before Zhan fill the spoon.

After Yibo ate everything on the tray,

" Do you want to take a shower? " asked Zhan.

Yibo nodded again. He still avoided Zhan's eyes.

" Okay then. "

As Zhan said this he put his arms under Yibo's arms and picked him up from the bed. Yibo unconsciously woven his arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

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