Chapter 85 - Life Partners

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A delicious smell that hit Yibo the moment he walked into the Xiao Mansion made him close his eyes and let out a " mmm.. " sound. When he followed that smell and walked into the dining room his favourite dishes were all smiling at him on the dinning table.

Yibo wasted no time. He walked over almost running and shoved his fingers in to a dish. But those fingers didn't have the luxury of going inside the dish as a calm and stern voice spoke,

" Little Master ..."

Although there was a " Master " in the way he was addressed it was clear that " master " was someone else.

Yibo got back his hand, turned back and gave a very innocent smile to Madam Yu who was leaning on to the kitchen door.

" I was just seeing if the dishes are still warm Madam Yu. Of course I would wash my hands before eating. You don't have to remind me Madam Yu. I am not a child you know. "

That response made no change in Madam Yu's face. She definitely didn't believe anything she heard.

So Yibo turned to leave. He walked to the other door which was in the opposite side of the door Madam Yu was leaning on to. His walk was calm and nothing unusual about it. No hidden intention was displayed.

He walked like that till he was near the door and then with the speed of lightning he turned and ran back to the dinning table with all the energy his young and strong body had.

He ran straight to the dish he drooled over before and he pointed his fingers forward before even reaching the dish. He was seconds away from shoving his fingers, grabbing a piece of meat and running back. But then,

" awwwww... "

Yibo jumped back yelling in paining and rubbing his stinging butt which was hit by a spatula.

" Madam Yu..! You are lying when you say your knees hurt. Don't you? You were way over there. How did you run here so fast. God..! You should run for Olympics. " yelled out Yibo still rubbing his butt.

This was how their relationship had changed. Now Madam Yu had taken the liberty to hit his butt with a spatula whenever wherever she thinks it's needed.

Oh Yibo was angry. A hit from spatula was no joke. It stings. So he pressed his lips forward, glared at Madam Yu and stomped on his feet,

" I don't want your food..! I am not eating it anymore. "

Said Yibo as he was walking to his room to take a quick shower and come back. You see, he was quite hungry.

But of course not before seeing Zhan and slandering and bad mouthing Madam Yu.

It was always like that. First Yibo get scolded by Madam Yu and then he go looking for Zhan. He explains everything to Zhan very vividly.

By " vividly " it means by letting out some details about how he broke the vase or stole the food and thoroughly describing how he didn't have any mal intentions in his heart, how it all was just an accident happened by pure unluck and how unfairly Madam Yu treated him.

Zhan would listen to all that slander and take his side with no questions asked. Of course he doesn't do that infront of Madam Yu nor does he take any actions about it, but still it was nice to be listened to and to have someone who believes your theories of how the blowing wind can change the direction of a ball in 90 degrees that ends up knocking an old vase down.

Yibo took loud and heavy steps like an angry Jerry the mouse making sure Madam Yu knows he is mad and he mumbled inherent slanders making sure Madam Yu does not hear them.

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