Chapter 11 - Dark room Part 3

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When Zhan came home and walked to Yibo's room he found Yibo lying on his back on the bed. Prince was sleeping on his stomach. Beside him there was a bowl of sweets. Yibo was lazily picking up sweets and ate them as he stared at the ceiling.

" So you ended another bowl of it today.."

Zhan announced his arrival.

" Zhange.. "

Yibo at once sat up and Prince on his stomach slipped to his lap. Zhan smiled at him before he walked to the wardrobe.

" Aren't you eating too much of those before dinner? "

" I am not ! I am not even eating enough! Madam Yu put away more than half of it. There was only a little left. She even kicked me out of the kitchen when I tried to look for the rest. " complained Yibo.

Zhan chuckled at his response stading in front of the wardrobe. He stood behind the door and opened it. A load of clothes fell on to the ground.

Zhan picked up the clothes very normally and put them all on the bed. Then he began folding clothes and started a conversation. None of them looked surprised about what happened. It was a normal everyday thing for them.

Next day both of them were in the mall looking for presents.

Tomorrow would be Miss Lu's birthday. There will be a party in Nie mansion. Miss Lu had invited both Zhan and Yibo. So now they were looking for the perfect gift for Miss Lu.

If this party happened before Zhan met Yibo , he would have send someone else to pick up something. He was not a fan of crowded places. But today he thought it would be a good opportunity to spend time with Yibo. But after five minutes of arriving there he realised it was a very bad idea.

Since coming here Yibo had been running around everywhere excited. He would run to everywhere checking out everything. Even the things they didn't need.

He would drag Zhan along with him whenever he thinks he found a gift for Mr Lu. But when Zhan was going buy it Yibo looses interest on it and run after something else. After a half hour Zhan was out of breath running after Yibo.

To make matters worse Yibo had no sense of direction. In this little time Yibo got lost three times. But he was not scared at all. What's there to be scared of anyway.. Even if he got lost his Zhange would find him right away...

After an hour they had bought a beautiful necklace for Miss Lu. It had a pendant of a cute bunny. They were walking out of the mall and Yibo kept talking about things he saw.

" Zhange... I saw a beautiful bracelet in that jewellery shop. It was so adorable. I stared at it till you found me in there. "

" Then why didn't you buy it? "

" I didn't have money. " shrugged Yibo.

Zhan at once stopped and turned around.

" Let's go... Let's buy it now. "

" It's fine Zhange. There was only one of it. Someone else bought it. "

" You should have told me in the shop. You know you can ask for anything . Right??... I mean.. if it's something I can do.. I'll do it. "

Zhan knew he would get anything Yibo wants. Either if he was capable to do so or not. He would make it happen. But he added that last part because he wanted to look like a responsible adult and not a naive lover who was ready to fulfil any wish of his beloved .... which he was.

Yibo looked bit taken back with that response. He stared at Zhan for a few seconds before gave that big smile which always mesmerised Zhan.

" Okay then. Buy me sweets. "

Yibo asked with all kinds of sweets there was and Zhan bought him everything.

However Zhan was bit surprised to find Yibo talking freely with shop keepers. It was as if he had a good knowledge about how those shops are run. So when they were walking back Zhan asked about it. Yibo's response was,

" I worked at a food stall before. It was not for long but I guess I picked on few things "

This response confused Zhan. Yes, some rich family's would want their heirs to learn from the beginning. So they would start working in the lowest position. But that would be in their own company. Not in a food stall.

Before Zhan could ask more about this Yibo spoke.

" Zhange, why are you clinging on to my collar like this? "

" I don't want to get lost for the fifth time you know.. "

" Then let's do this. "

Yibo got all his bags with sweets to his left hand. Then with his right hand he held that hand which was on his collar.

Now they were both walking toward their car holding hands.

Yibo looked very happy. He was humming and waggling their interwined hands while he looked around peeking in to other shops.

Zhan was however red like a tomato. His eyes were widden and mouth was bit open. It was like he was frozen. He was walking straight. But it didn't look like his brain was working anymore. He kind of look like a mummy without bandages. In side his head he was singing the same words over and over.

" Oh my god!! We are holding hands.... "


It was Miss Lu's party. So everything was in the way she liked. Everyone was wearing casual clothes. They were allowed to were whatever they liked. The guests were in all age groups. Children that's younger to Miss Lu and older to Miss Lu. There was also Mr. Nie s secretary and his close friends. Even Nie mansion' s mail man was there.

It was decorated beautifully. But not extravagant. It was like Christmas. There were all kinds of food to eat. From chocolate, ice cream, toffee to salad, steak and meat. Whatever food you want it's there.

There were waiters in bunny costumes. And also magicians and dancers. There was a playground for kids and dancing floor for adults.

Miss Lu was in a pink dress and there was a pink bow on Nut who was in her arms. Little Miss Lu walked around everywhere bowing to guests and thanking them for coming.

It was some unique party. Just like Miss Lu.

Zhan was used to these kinds of parties of Miss Lu. So nothing there surprised him. But Yibo had his eyes widden as he looked around. Any where he looked he found something to gasp.

Zhan was talking to Mr.Nie 's secretary. Yibo was hanging on to his elbow. But he had his eyes on the magician who was making stuff disappear. Yibo wanted to drag Zhan and go near those ten year old kids who had their eyes widen at the magician. But Zhan was in a deep conversation.

When he saw magician was making bunnies appear and disappear, Yibo couldn't wait for Zhan anymore. He let go of his hand and walked toward the magician.

He passed few guests and waiters. He was only few steps away from the kids when he heard a voice.

A voice that was not directed at him, yet was able to make him stop where he stood. A voice that could make him flinch. A voice that was awfully familiar. A voice that he could identify anywhere anytime.

" Do you want a drink Miss? "

It was only these few words. But Yibo went pale instantly. He couldn't see any thing in front of him. There was only darkness that surrounded him. He couldn't hear anything. Only the loud beatings on the door.

" Open the door you bastard!!! "

Those words with that exact voice came outside the door. Yibo was now sitting on the floor hugging his legs with scars with his wounded hands. His heart was beating louder than those beatings at the door. He was in that dark room again.


To be continued.


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