Chapter 32 - His man

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Today Zhan left work early to visit Ziyi. Zuocheng has been careful about contacting his family as he was on a dangerous job. So in the previous meeting he asked to Zhan to meet with Ziyi and explain things in his place.

After parking the car he grabbed the bags left on the back seat. They were all filled with toys. Since Ziyi's and Zuocheng's son Yuan was born , Zhan made it his duty to spoil him with toys. So out of all the uncles Yuan had , Zhan was his favourite.

Not wanting to loose his title whenever Zhan visit their home he would carry a load of toys with him. And thanks to that Ziyi had to allocate a room just for his toys.

When Zhan walked through the front door a five year old child ran to him and hugged his leg.

" Uncle Zhan..... "

Zhan squatted to the ground before this three feet tall boy.

" Well hello there my little monkey. How have you been? Didn't you miss me?.. "

" I did ! I missed you soooooooooooòo much. " pronounced the boy until he can't breath anymore.

Zhan laughed out loud and filled his arms with all the toys he brought. In the end the boy had a mountain of toys in his arms.

Zhan was helping the boy take his toys to his room when he heard a loud noise and saw the black smoke coming out of the kitchen.

Little Yuan gave a long and exaggerated sigh. Then he shook his head with a hopeless look and said his uncle Zhan,

" Mummy is trying something new. It's not looking good. "

Then Ziyi yelled from the kitchen.

" Zhan..... You are staying for dinner. Right? Stay. I got a new recipe. "

Zhan knew all about Ziyi's new recipes. Ziyi had started to cook when she was fifteen years old. With practice she learnt how to make food that was edible. But the problem was her self made new recipes. According to Zuocheng those were not food but a punishment that exceed the death penalty.

This must be the only thing Zhan and Zuocheng agreed without bickering because since the day Ziyi was began cooking Zhan had been the guinea pig for her new experiments.

There were countless times where Zhan had to live in his toilet because of Ziyi's new recipes. So one of the reasons that Zhan was thrilled to hear about Ziyi's and Zuocheng's wedding was that he could finally pass down his guinea pig role to Zuocheng.

Yuan who was worried that he would loose his main supply of toys nugged on his pants and pulled him to the ground. When Zhan squatted before him Yuan whispered into his ear.

" Don't uncle Zhan. You could die " said him with uttermost sincerity.

It made Zhan laugh out loud but in his heart he knew it was true.

After few explosions in the kitchen Ziyi had to give up on her new recipes and ordered some pizza. It was only then Zhan agreed to stay for dinner.

After the dinner while Yuan played with his new toys Zhan and Ziyi sat down in the living room and Zhan told her everything about Zuocheng's undercover job.

After listening to everything Ziyi had only one thing to say.

" when you meet him again. Tell him that we are alright and that I understand. He should do the right thing. He better not give up. "

On the outside Ziyi and Zuocheng had nothing in common. But those who know them know that actually both of them are the female version and male version of the same thing.

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