Chapter 60 - Strong and Brave Part 2

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" What do you remember Little Master? " asked Madam Yu.

" That night I....I woke up because I was thirsty. We had run out of water in the room so I went to kitchen to drink some. I was drinking when I heard something in the living room. And... and I thought it was Prince. So I......

So Yibo kept the glass on the kitchen table and walked towards the living room. He first switched on the lights in the dining room.

" Prince.. Prince.. Is that you? What are you doing there? Come here.. "

Yibo hoped Prince would come to him. But there was only that sound. It was like a tapping on a chair.

Tuh tuh.... Tuh tuh.... Tuh tuh....

While yawning and scratching his sleepy eyes Yibo walked to living room calling Prince again.

Even when he stepped in to the living room he had no idea that there was someone else in the dark staring at him.

Yibo extended his hand to turn on the light in the living room. But before his fingers could touch the switch on the wall he heard a soft laugh behind him. Something he was familiar with.

Yibo's hand stopped in mid air as his whole body started to tremble visibly. Yibo slowly turned his trembling body and he realised that laughter was coming towards him.

With every step the man took closer to him the anxiety crept in to Yibo's heart.
Fear.. Fear.. Fear..
That's all he felt.

He lost his ability to think. He couldn't even carry out the primary survival skills. Running and screaming.

The anxiety acted like dense rope that wrapped it self around Yibo from head toe so tight that he couldn't breath.

Even if he wanted to run away. He couldn't. He fell to the ground in his first try.

When he fell down the man in the room laughed so hard. Like he was enjoying it. He squatted to the ground before Yibo. Yibo couldn't see him because of the darkness. But he could feel his presence.

" Hey there kid.. Long time no see.. "

The voice. He remembered the voice.

Yibo tried to crawl back but his back hit with the wall. Then there was no where he could go even if he tried. It was hard for him to breath.

" No.. No.. No.. " Yibo whisper yelled when that man extended his hand to touch Yibo's hand.

Yibo tried to push it away. But he had no energy in him. The guy grabbed Yibo's hand with his hand that had a black glouse on. His grip was so strong that Yibo's struggle made no difference.

With his other hand the man grabbed a syringe inside his pocket. As Yibo struggled the man pushed the syringe into his hand so attentively like a male nurse.

" You know... I didn't think it would be this easy. Hah...Hah...Haa.... "

That loud laugh.. That monstrous laughter.

It brought Yibo back in to that dark room. He could hear the beatings and yelling on the door. He could feel the pain of his wounded arms and legs.

The guy in the living room shoved the syringe back into his pocket. He reached his other pocket and took out a knife.

The man studied his knife. He admired it. It was not a large knife. But its blade was sharp. It was clean and shining in the dark.

Yibo felt as though something was stuck in his throat. He was suffocating. At that moment a bunch of memories flashed before his eyes. Not just the visuals. He heard and felt those memories as if he was there.

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