Chapter 77 - Wonderful Man

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" Mr. Nie and Miss Lu is here. " said Yibo coming inside the kitchen.

Zhan looked up from the onions he was cutting,

" What do they want to drink? "

Yibo opened the tap and he was filling up the electric kettle.

" Tea for Mr. Nie and juice for Miss Lu. "

" hmm.. Add less sugar on the tea. " said Zhan.

" Alrighty "

His apron was bit loose. So he was trying to untie the knot on his back and tie it again. Yibo who connected the plug of the kettle to the switch saw this and he walked over to Zhan.

" Ziyi jie called. They are running late. " said Yibo tieing it for him.

" Ah. I was wondering why they were late. Ziyi said she would come early to help out in the kitchen. "

" Apparently Cheng ge lost the way. I can't believe it. It's not like it's the first time he is driving here. "

Zhan didn't answer. Instead he chuckled to himself.

After adjusting the apron Yibo went back to make tea.

It was the day of their first wedding anniversary. It's now a year since they both stood on the alter. So to celebrate they were having a small party. Not much people. Just the close ones.

Grandma came yesterday in a car Zhan sent over.

Yibo's friends made sure to come early. Knowing the food was going to be delicious they had come as soon as they woke up. They even had breakfast in Xiao mansion.

Yubin arrived an hour before and got into a big conversation with Mr. Jiang. Miss Lu and Prince were playing together.

All that left to arrive was Zuocheng, Ziyi and A- Yuan.

Since they have to make a feast today Madam Yu began cooking since early morning. Grandma offered to help as well. So Zhan came to help out the ladies.

Meanwhile Yibo was on the hosting duty. His job was to welcome the guests, offer them beverages and entertain them.

Yibo was so excited for this party. He was practising making tea for a week now. After uncountable numbers of broken cups he finally mastered it.

After talking a while with Mr. Nie and Miss Lu Yibo came running to the kitchen with an old friend in his hands.

" Zhangeeeeee...... Look who came with Miss Lu. "

Zhan looked up and he immediately took a step back. Past experiences warned Zhan to stay as far as away from it. Zhan was clearly traumatised.

Yibo held that white ball of cotton with long ears in his arms like it's a new born baby. Well of course he didn't know that the innocent baby's eyes were on Zhan and he was actually doing a thing like glaring. As if getting ready to eat Zhan up.

" Zhangee..... Do you want to hold him? " asked Yibo with his eyes shining and twinkling like stars.

Yibo felt like he was offering Zhan a bouquet of flowers. But Zhan felt like he was offered a timing bomb.

" No. No... Its fine. You two have fun. " replied Zhan with a complete fake smile.

Zhan soon changed the subject.

" Where are your friends? "

" Outside. They are emptying out all the sweets Madam Yu made. " said Yibo with annoyance. He had an angry pout on his face which was supposed to show he was mad but it only showed he was too cute.

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