Chapter 8 - Big trouble

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That was the name Yibo gave him.

Prince was a sweetheart. He followed Yibo everywhere. Both of them were inseparable. They were like big brother and little brother.

He was playful and obedient at the same time. He would play with whatever that he sets his eyes on but stops whenever Yibo told him to.

Because of his cute actions everyone in the house loved him. Maids, gardners and guards... they all would pet him. Even Madam Yu would pet him from time to time.

While their relationship grew so did Yibo's and Zhan's.

Now every night after coming home from work Zhan would go in to Yibo's room. He says it's because he wanted to see Nut or that room's door was open.

Of course all of those were only excuses. Actually he didn't need those excuses. Because whenever it is time for Zhan to come home Yibo would intentionally keep the door open and waits for Zhan.

So every night they would sit on Yibo's bed and talk about their day. Yibo didn't understand much about business. So Zhan explains everything as simple as possible. And Yibo would attentively listen.

Zhan tried to understand why he was being this way with Yibo. But his brain that only works well when dealing with business matters and shuts down when dealing with human relationships couldn't find a reason at all. So he decided to inquire this from the smartest person he know. He called Yubin to come his office.

" Mr Xiao, Documents will be done in a few minutes "

" Ok. You can take your time. It's not what I wanted to talk about. I have something to ask you. "

" What is it Mr.Xiao ? "

" It's not work related. "

" All right "

" It's about a friend of mine. "

Yubin was bit surprised as though he knew Zhan even before he started to work for him, Zhan rarely asked such questions.

" Ok. " answered Yubin.

" Well, I have this friend and he has another friend. So this friend of mine has been spending time with his friend. And.... uh... my friend feels different when he is with his friend. My friend..... "

Zhan was interrupted.

" Sorry to interrupt Mr. Xiao, but can we use their names. I am confused with my friend and his friend here.

" oh.. Okay.. Well, as for their names.. my friend is little bit secretive. Why don't I use X and Y. My friend will be X. His friend will be Y "

" All right then. Go on. "

" As I said before, X had been spending time with Y these days. And X feels different when he is with Y. "

" How different?. " asked Yubin.

" Well,, uh.. When he is with Y he feels happy for no reason at all. It's like he wants to laugh out loud. And X feels very sad whenever Y is unhappy with something "

" mmm... So how is this X treats Y ? . "

" Okay I guess. Unless X is worried about Y he never gets mad at him. Even if he does something X doesn't agree on, X just think Y is cute. And X wants to see Y smile so much that X ends up doing things he never does. "

" mmm... Okay.. So is this Y handsome?. "

" Is he handsome??!!!.... Of course he is. He is like a human version of an angel. He got this smile that will melt any heart. It is like seeing the most beautiful flower in the world bloom."

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