Chapter 3 - A Question

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Yibo was sitting in the dining room on the same place he had been sitting on for past few days. He was waiting for older to come and sit down.

These days that tall man came home early and went to work a little late. So he had time to join Yibo for breakfast and dinner.

On dinner Zhan would ask what he and Nut did that day. On breakfast he would ask what they were going to do that day.

At first Yibo was uncomfortable with these questions. He was worried his answers wouldn't be correct. But later he realised no matter what he says that tall man would listen and nod with a smile. Not only that it made Yibo relieved but also made him wait for that tall man to join him in meal time.

Zhan sat down and started eating. While biting he silently stared at Yibo. He was still eating than of a man of his age should. But he was eating more than before.

Today Zhan had something to announce today. Something that would made Yibo loose his appetite.

" My friend who is Nut's owner can now take care of him. So I have to take him back the day after tomorrow "

Yibo indeed lost his appetite.

" Are you alright? I know you were attached to him. " said Zhan.

Yibo didn't expect such a question. He stared at Zhan's face for few seconds then replied.

" I am okay. "

Zhan was not satisfied with that answer. So he hurriedly said,

" It's not like we wouldn't see Nut again forever. I am quite close to this friend and we could visit Nut. "

Hearing what he himself suggested Zhan felt very awkward and he looked at everywhere expect at Yibo's face. So he didn't see that Yibo stared at him again before replying a " mn "


These days Zhan worked very hard at the office. Of course Zhan always worked hard. But he was afraid of making mistakes. So he would recheck his work over and over again.

Rechecking work was important to a one that's controlling a big business like Xiao Corporation. But Zhan did that more than it was needed because he was not sure of himself. This took a great deal of time of his life. So he was always at his office.

However these days he had this huge urge to go home for dinner. He told himself that it was because he had to ask about Nut. He couldn't help but smile when he saw Yibo waiting for him to join.

He didn't know why he didn't want to leave for work in the morning though.

So he had to stop rechecking his work too many times if he wants go home for dinner and stay for breakfast. He had to do his work right and believe he did it right. He had to muster up courage to tell himself that it's okay to make mistakes. Because he then had something, more precise to say someone waiting for him in his home.


After dinner Yibo took Nut back to his room and kept him on his lap. His body and mind felt tired as that question was ringing in his ear.

Today Yibo couldn't help but reminisce his past. His shoulders were down. His head was lowered. There was a smile on his face as he stared at the bunny. But it was not a happy smile.

13 years ago.......

Child Yibo was sitting on the grass of his garden. He was wearing a light blue shirt and it was not buttoned properly. Collar was lifted in a side. There were mud on his trousers. Probably because of sitting down in the muddy garden. He was staring at a green lizard. It was when he heard something knocking on the wooden fence few steps behind.

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