Chapter 30 - A fortune

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Zhan was leaning on the car that was parked near the dance academy. He managed to finish his work early today so that he himself could pick up Yibo. He waited a while and when he saw that beautiful boy coming out of the academy all his tiredness of the day evaporated into thin air.

Yibo waved at a girl and a boy and walked to where the car was parked. When he saw Zhan he smiled showing all his teeth. He ran to Zhan calling his name. His voice was so loud that few people turned to the car to see who this " Zhange " is.

Yibo ran so fast on the slope that when he came close to Zhan, he couldn't stop.. Luckily Zhan caught him just before he collides with a pole on the street.

Zhan steadied him on his feet.

" Why are running huh?? "

Yibo ignored the question and held on to Zhan's elbow.

" Zhange, why are you here? I thought Jiang ge would pick me up. "

" Well, I wanted to know how your first day went. "

" It was so much fun Zhange. I didn't think dancing could do this great "

All through drive home Yibo continued to talk about his day. He talked and talked and talked.

Actually Zhan had been nervous for him the entire day. This was the first time Yibo was going to be with strangers. Zhan was worried how Yibo would react to new place and new people.

But it turned out all of Zhan's worrying was for nothing. Yibo had made friends just on his first day.

Unexpectedly this made Zhan a little bit hurt.

All this while Yibo's whole world was revolved around Zhan. But now he was beginning to make a new world for himself. Zhan was worried about his place in that world.

This feeling grew as Yibo had cancelled their trip to go see Yibo's grandma that Sunday.

Just in his first day the dance teacher had seen that Yibo loved dancing and that he got a born talent for it. So he was kind enough to offer him extra practices on Sundays until he get in the track with other students. So they didn't have time to visit Yibo's grandma.

Zhan spent the next Sunday holding on to his phone. Sunday was his holiday and he had so many plans to enjoy it. But all through the day all he did was unlock his phone every five minutes.

He silently wished that Yibo would call him and ask him to pick him up.

However no call came that day and when he went to pick him up in the evening Yibo's friends has multiplied. It was probably thanks to that big and delicious lunch Madam Yu prepared for him.

All though these kids were younger to him by four years because of his childish personality and kind nature they all liked him. They even exchanged phone numbers.

Yibo had told Zhan everything about his little friends. But he still didn't liked how his phone would beam with messages interrupting the time they spend together.

All these changes made Zhan more clingy than before. He called Yibo more frequently and made more time to spend with him.

This day after coming home from the office Zhan went to see Yibo. He was suprised to find him quietly sitting in front of his desk and attentively working in something.

This time when Yibo noticed Zhan he didn't excitedly scream his name. But instead he flinched and hurriedly close the book which he has been written on.

" Zhange, What are you doing here? " asked Yibo. His voice was bit shaking.

" Oh. Nothing. Nothing. You keep working. I'll see if you need help with your clothes" said Zhan as he walked his wardrobe.

" No. No. Zhange. No need. You already folded everything yesterday. It's very neat."

Zhan gave him a suspicious look. He was well aware that Yibo only needs six hours to turn his wardrobe with nicely folded clothes into a messy wardrobe that resembles a mixed fruit juice that you can't tell what's what.

So as a reply to Yibo , Zhan stood to the side of the wardrobe and opened it.

A load of clothes fell down on to poor Prince who was sitting right in front of the wardrobe.

It was a like a landslide.The poor dog was no where to be seen. Yibo gasped and jumped to the floor. He picked and threw his clothes everywhere looking for his beloved pet who had fallen under a clotheslide.

When Yibo finally found him he dramatically hugged the panting dog while shedding invisible tears.

Zhan stood beside them with his arms wooden around his chest and watching this dramatic scene.

" Still thinks it doesn't need folding?? " asked Zhan.

Then he proceed to pick up the clothes on the floor. But then Yibo walked to him and pushed him to the door like they were playing train.

" It's all right Zhange.. I can do it my self. I am an adult after all. You must be tired Zhange. Go and have a rest. You don't want to get sick again. "

After pushing him out of the door,

" Then good night Zhange. By- bye.. "

He spared no room for Zhan to talk and the closed the door straight on to Zhan's face. And Zhan stood there blinking and trying to understand what had just happened.


Next day sitting on the wooded bench behind the cafe bloomeng he dialed Yibo's number again. But for the 5th time the number was busy. Zhan felt very bitter wondering about who could Yibo be talking to all this while.

" Would you stop it? My head hurts hearing you dial. "

That was Haoxuan. Zhan payed no mind to him and dialed again. Zhan only stopped after Zuocheng arrived.

This was another meeting of them about Yifeng. But they didn't get straight to the point. It was only after Haoxuan got up to leave saying he has better things to do than watching a love quarrel both Zhan and Zuocheng stopped their bickering about nothing.

Haoxuan was the first person to share information and he had a news that both shocked other two men and solved a big part of the puzzle.

It was that Wang Yibo's and Wang Yifeng's father Mr. Wang Haikkuan had a big amount of family fortune which has been kept secretly for all these years. This was something extra than their company and many other properties that they own. And according to Wang Haikkuan's will the sole heir to this fortune was the youngest of his children Wang Yibo.

But Wang Haikkuan made it clear that the money can only be his on his 18th birthday and if something happened to him before that, all that money will be given away to various charity foundations in the country.

But that's not all.

At the age of 20 and around the time Wang Yifeng threw Yibo out of the house , Wang Yibo had willfully given all his wealth to Wang Yifeng by signing the papers in front of the lawyers of the Wang Corporation.


To be continued


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