Chapter 54 - A broken heart

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It was some hectic days. Because of this unexpected collapse Zhan had a lot to get done. Xiao Corporation was incharged of constructing the shopping mall project. So naturally when a collapse took place all fingers were pointed towards the CEO of the the Xiao Corporation Mr. Xiao Zhan .

But thank fully Zhan had not a broken a one single law and had followed all the safety instructions. So these allegations couldn't keep going for a long. But still he had to prepare the documents to prove he did things the right way. He had to meet up with his legal advisers regularly.

Though the damage to the site had been minimum there were still some damage. Zhan had to think about rebuilding as well.

Also Zhan had called for an investigation to check if this collapse was an natural accident or something man made. There was only one percent of a chance of its collapsing and the previous site personnel who was incharged of this building had disappeared few days back. So Zhan knew it was not an accident.

As for Wang Yifeng, he was not having a good time. He became extra bitter and was always trying to get in touch with Zhan and Mr. Nie. He tried his best to get them to stop the investigation and was ignored.

Just as Xiao Zhan advised, Mr. Nie tightened his security. Lee Bowen, an ex soldier and also a good friend of Song Jiang was made the main bodyguard of Mr. Nie. So no one could get to Mr. Nie without his permission.

With this collapse Zuocheng had to come to terms with the fact the he couldn't postpone putting charges against Yifeng anymore. He still hadn't found a way to connect the murders to Yifeng. But after a long talk with his greatest supporter, his wife, he decided to put charges against Yifeng first and then make him confess to his crimes.

While all things were happening Xiao Zhan had been so busy that he couldn't see the changes happening with his lover. He didn't know that his lover had become more quiet and less happy.

He didn't know that when he was not home and everyone else was busy his lover sat alone in the foot of his bed ,hid his face on his palms and sobbed as he shed heavy tears.

One evening everyone of the family was in the living room. Zhan and Mr. Jiang was in a conversation. Madam Yu was sorting out the payments of the workers. Yibo was watching TV with Prince near his legs.

Just then Zhan's phone rang taking everyone's attention. It was Zuocheng. Zhan answered it right away. He heard something expected yet still shocking.

" Wang Yifeng was arrested "

Everyone but one in the room took breaths of relief.
Everyone but one was overjoyed.
Everyone but one could finally be at peace.

All the while Zhan shared the news about Yifeng's arrest and when he said that Yifeng can no longer hurt anyone ever again, that person stayed silent.

" Zhange... " that person voiced out.

Zhange was a word that everyone in the house heard all day. Everytime that word was spoken it was with an excited tone. With Happiness. That's why everyone had turned at Yibo when this word was spoken in a weak heartbroken tone.

Yibo had his head lowered. His shoulders had plunged down. He kept his arms and legs so close that his whole body had squeezed to a ball.

" Zhange, You said Gege did so many bad things. You said even if Cheng ge can't prove he is murder, he would still go to prison for life. Right? So.. So.. with what happened in the construction site.. he would.. would get a bigger punishment.. Wouldn't he?.. That's means they will... will.... ... "

Yibo couldn't finish that sentenced anymore. As tears dripped from his eyes he broke in to loud sobs.

" I know he did lots of bad stuff. I know he should be punished. But I.. I.. wish everyone wouldn't hate him. I wish... he was just my brother.. and not someone everyone hates... I ... I don't want him to.. to...get hurt. I ... I don't want him to die..... This is enough.. I don't want to hear people dying of anymore.. I don't want to see people getting hurt anymore.. this is enough...No.. No.. I can't hear it anymore. I can't see it anymore. I can't..!! I can't..!!"

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