Chapter 12 - Nightmares

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Zhan was looking for him everywhere. He was not inside the house. He was not outside. He even checked the playground where the kids were playing. But he was not there either. He called him over and over. But Yibo didn't pick up.

Zhan cursed himself for not paying attention to him. Nie mansion was a very big place. Zhan had been in this house so many times yet it's still hard for him to find his way. With his no sense of direction Yibo would get lost easily.

When Zhan couldn't find him anywhere the panic start to hit him. With anxious heart he walked to the car park. That was the only place left to check. Zhan unintentionally ran there.

Zhan's steps came to a stop as he saw someone leaning on the car. The night wind was cold. The person was shivering. It only took Zhan a second to realise who this was.. Zhan could finally take a breath.

" Yibo... " called Zhan as his steps got even faster.

Yibo looked upto him. But that was only for a second. He looked down again.

" What are you doing here? Why did you come here without telling me. I was worried. "

Yibo didn't answer. It made Zhan worried again.

" What's wrong? Are you alright? " asked Zhan gently while his eyes ran all his body making sure not even a scratch was visible on his body.

For few seconds Yibo didn't answer. When he finally did answer it was in a small voice. So small that Zhan could barely hear him.

" I want to go home. "

That voice only multipy Zhan's worry.

" Yibo, What's wrong? "

Again..Yibo didn't answer.

" Yibo.. "

Zhan called his name as softly as possible. He took a step close to him. He tried to touch Yibo's face. But to his surprise Yibo took a step back.

" I just want to go home. Let's go home. "

It sounded like a begging. Zhan didn't want to hear Yibo talking like that.

" Okay. Okay. Let's go home. We were here for a while anyway. Let's go back and say good bye to Miss Lu. "

Zhan extended his hand to Yibo. He waited till Yibo hold it. But..... he didn't.

" I am going to wait here. You should go back and say goodbye. I am staying "

There was no space for refusal. Yibo was not going back inside. Zhan wouldn't be able to persuade him either.

" All right. Then I'll go and say goodbye. You stay in the car. "

Without warning Zhan held Yibo's hand. He opened the car door and made Yibo sit inside.


All through the drive home Yibo didn't say anything. Zhan sneaked glances at him while driving. Zhan wanted so much to figure out what had happened. But when Yibo rested his head on the window and closed his eyes Zhan let him be.

When they arrived at home Yibo at once jumped out of the car and went inside the house without waiting for Zhan. He passed Madam Yu and Mr Jiang in the living room. He didn't say a word to them either. Instead he walked inside his room and closed the door.

Zhan had been walking hurriedly after Yibo. When he reached his door it was closed. He tried to open it. But for the first time the door was locked.

Zhan was really worried. He knocked on the door and called Yibo's name. After a while the door was slightly opened. Yibo stood on the other side.

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