Chapter 82 - Living

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Alive and living. That's how Zhan felt in their family restaurant. In there when he take a long breath he would close his eyes and feel the fresh air going through his lungs. At that moment he would feel alive and living.

Xiao Zhan loved their family restaurant. He could see his parents and be around them all day in that restaurant. It was the best place in the world to him. Because it was place he was accepted for who he was.

He didn't like school very much though. Well all the kids in his age didn't like going to school. But the reason they didn't like it was because they were given homework. Zhan didn't love homework, but he didn't hate it either. What he didn't like about school was his classmates.

Zhan loved to draw. He always kept a drawing book and pencils wherever he go. So in every break time he was drawing something. His classmates however wanted him to play with them.

He tried doing that. But it was not fun for him. So he asked his classmates to draw with him. They declined saying it was too boring.

But Zhan was not sad nor angry. His mama and papa had taught him that just because you like to do something it doesn't mean it would be fun for everyone else. They taught him that everyone has different thoughts and it was all right to think differently.

Even in this case his classmates had a different opinion. Since drawing was not fun for them, they believed it shouldn't be fun for Zhan either. So they kept asking him to come and play. But Zhan kept drawing. His classmates didn't like that. So they began to make fun of him.

Zhan too wanted to have friends.
But No one liked to interact with such a boring kid. So Zhan always ended up alone.

Since the lunch break he would stare at the clock. When the bell hits he grabs and holds his bag to his chest. He would be so excited to go home. His favourite place in the whole world.

But he would still patiently waits until everyone leave the classroom. Because once the bell hits the kids turn into a tsunami and if you are not ready to become a part of that tsunami by pushing other kids and running like crazy then you might become a victim of that tsunami.

So Zhan would only come out after the tsunami died down.

Most of the kids would walk in either pairs or groups. But Xiao Zhan would walk alone. He was a loner.

But he was a happy loner. It means that he was someone who could enjoy just being by himself.

He would walk from school to home all alone. He would look up at the sky, he would feel the fresh breeze going through him, he would listen to the singing of the birds.

When the school filled with kids of his own age drained his energy, that lonely walk he take from school to home would refresh him and make him energize.

Which was why he would walk into their restaurant with a big smile on his face. His mother would always be waiting for him at their restaurant door. She would give him her own big smile and get that heavy bag off his body.

As she move on to make him a meal Zhan would smile to few of the customers. Zhan knew them all for as long as he can remember. That's how Xiao restaurant was. Once you go there you would definitely go again. It was clean and comfortable. The owners were really nice and humble. Most importantly food was heavenly.

But still there were some people who had negative thoughts about the Xiao restaurant. Their reason was pretty simple.
The Xiao couple would offer a free lunch everyday to those vendors near the restaurant who would barely make a living.

And these vendors were very much poor and wore ragged clothes. But Xiao couple had them sit on normal tables and treat them as they would treat any customer. Some people who believed they belong to a higher class didn't like that.

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