Chapter 5 - The best

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Zhan was in the car headed toward XXX Hotel where the meeting will be held. In this meeting he will meet two CEOs of two renowned corporations.

This meeting always take place once a month in the exact same place. They would have a business lunch and would share details opinions about their development of the shopping mall project that was under construction which three companies carry on with their joint leadership.

In every month Zhan despises this day. This day makes him anxious and worried that he’d make a mistake in front of the other two.

He was the one who was representing the Xiao Corporation. He didn’t want to look weak and vulnerable in front of other two. He had to be careful not to give too much information about Xiao Corporation and not to offend other two Corporations.

So he would always feel restless on that day.

But No... Not today....  Today he is over the moon..

He felt that the weather was perfect. Yes... it was raining a bit... But who cares?.. It’s just water and water is a basic human need.. How lucky  is that we have water....

His ears were filled not with chirping of birds but with the loud honking of vehicles on the busy highway. It was music to his ears. It was like standing in front of a orchestra.

He was shaking his head and humming a new song which he himself composed today in that car with parts of songs he could recall.

He took a long breath of fresh air. It was nice feeling all the carbon monoxide, gasoline,  petrol  and smoke going through his lungs.

He looked up to Mr. Jiang , his driver and said,

Mr. Jiang , It is such a nice day to be on the road. Isn’t it?

Mr. Jiang was confused.

It was raining cats and dogs. They were stuck in traffic in the middle of highways. The vehicles were honking nonstop as if the drivers were sitting on those honks. They were yelling and swearing at each other. Worst of all his boss was late for a meeting which he always tried to represent himself responsible.

It was as if Zhan was in an another world.

All this was because of a certain someone that was waiting for the return of him....


Zhan walked into the conference room where two men were already sitting down and waiting.

" I apologise for being late gentlemen. I was held on traffic. So without further delay let’s begin. "

The conference went on for two hours.

One of the two men was a kind hearted man in his early seventies. He was little bit shorter than Zhan and his hair had already gone white. Though he had wrinkles here and there he didn’t look a day past sixty. This man was the CEO of Nie Corporation and the only family of Miss Lu.

Few days ago there were some problems regarding that project. As the one who was mainly in charge of construction of the shopping mall project Mr. Xiao Zhan had a lot to face.

" May I make a suggestion Mr. Xiao " the other CEO in the room sounded his voice.

This man was in his late thirties. He was a bit taller than Zhan and also bigger. His skin looked rough and his face knew no smile. His eyes were blood shot and his brows were frowned all the time as if someone had glued them. He had a dark aura around him making anyone around him fell uncomfortable.

" Please go on Mr. Wang " said Zhan.

" This problem you are facing needs immediate actions. You need to act fast. You need to act smart. You can’t keep going by the book. You need a short cut."

" What are you suggesting Mr. Wang? "

" You need to throw out things that slow you down. Those useless precautions needs to be thrown out. They only take time and money. "

" Are you suggesting that I keep the construction going without taking all the precautions before Mr. Wang? "

" Mr. Xiao you have been in this industry nearly a decade. You know that those precautions are only for showing off. Accidents almost never happen. We waste time and money and they give us a piece of paper saying it’s safe to go on when there was no danger to begin with. "

" Absolutely not Mr. Wang. Yes it’s true accidents almost never happen. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. There are more than two hundred people working in that construction site and under no circumstances I will endanger their lives. "

Mr. Wang seemed like he had a lot to say to that but he was interrupted by Mr. Nie.

" I too agree with Mr. Xiao. No matter what problem we are facing and how much downhill we are going there are always some lines that should never be crossed. I believe Mr. Xiao will definitely find an another way. There is always another way. "

After this conversation and lunch they ended their meeting. After politely bowing to Mr. Wang and thanking Zhan for taking care of his precious grand daughter’s beloved pet Mr. Nie hurried his way to Zhan’s company to pick up Miss Lu.

Zhan wanted to hurry too. Actually he could not wait to go to his office. All through the meeting he was continuously checking his watch.

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