Chapter 13 - He is here

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The sight before Zhan was able to vanish all his anger and turned it into a mixture of fear and worry.

Yibo was pale like a sheet. His lips were dried but his clothes were wet. They were drenched with his sweat. He was in deep sleep but not a peaceful one.

His body was trembling all over. He was whimpering. He kept shaking his head. Tear drops fell down wetting his dried face..

Zhan acted out of reflex. He sat on the bed at once and pulled Yibo into his arms. He patted his cheeks as he talked to him.

" Yibo... What's wrong? Wake up.. Come on.. Wake up.. Open your eyes.. Wake up Yibo.. "

When Zhan touched him it was like touching a hot plate. His body temperature was way too high.

Yibo didn't wake up no matter how much Zhan called him. He kept whimpering and crying in his sleep. So Zhan turned to Madam Yu.

" Bring some water "

Zhan got some water into his hand and flashed it on Yibo's face. Zhan whiped his face with water while calling his name. And after while Yibo opened his eyes slightly. Zhan could finally take a breath.

" Yibo.... Can you hear me? Huh? ... Are you all right? "

Yibo looked at Zhan slightly. But it didn't look like he was fully conscious. So Zhan made him sit up and supported Yibo's back on his chest. He made him drink little bit of water. Zhan held him tight and turned to Madam Yu again.

" Call Ziyi. Tell her to come here right now. "

Zhan kept him protectively in his embrace. He held him close to his heart. He caressed his face and continued to talk to him to get his consciousness back.

It took Yibo while to fully understand where he was. When he did first thing he heard was Zhan's gentle voice.

" Yibo, Are you alright? "

Those arms around Yibo were tight and gentle at the same time..
Those eyes that were locked on his face had only worry in them.
Finally the voice he heard was so caring that the walls on Yibo's heart broke down again.

Yibo called " Zhange... " and broke into loud sobs.

He loudly cried hiding his face on Zhan's chest. He clutched Zhan's shirt very tight. And Zhan gently patted his back letting him cry as much as he want. Stroaking his head Zhan said to him,

" Everything is going to be alright. You are alright. You are going to be just fine. "


Yibo was still crying when Zhan took off his drenched shirt and cleaned his chest with a cloth that was soaked in water. He was still crying when Madam Yu got a shirt from his wardrobe and Zhan put it on him.

Yibo cried for a long while in Zhan's arms. Zhan to held him tight in his arms letting him let out all his sadness and fear.

Ziyi had already come over when Yibo had stopped crying.

Meng Ziyi was Zhan's doctor and also his childhood friend . Her father has been Xiao family doctor as long as Zhan could remember. When they were young Ziyi used to visit the Xiao Mansion with her father. So Ziyi was Zhan's first and oldest friend.

Madam Yu fetched Ziyi to Yibo's room. Since Madam Yu had explained her everything she was not surprised to find her childhood friend holding a boy in his arms.

After giving a nod to Zhan she gave a soft smile to Yibo.

" Yibo, This is my friend Ziyi. She is here to treat you. Okay? Let her check you.. "

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