Chapter 55 - The news

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The news of Wang Yifeng's arrest spread quickly through the bussiness world. Many was not suprised by Yifeng's presumed actions but was suprised by the fact that Wang Yifeng was going to pay for his crimes. Because for all these years Yifeng had been acting as if he was invisible in front of the law.

Just with his arrest Wang Corporation lost more than half of the business partners and business deals they had left. No one wanted to have any connection with Wang Corporation anymore.

It turned out that most of business men and women had been working with Wang Corporation only because they were afraid of being in the opposite side of Wang Corporation. Therefore this incident was an escape route for many.

With this, image of the Wang Corporation began to drain as well. Almost in over night all the products made and sold by Wang Corporation was refused by the people.

Also the image of Wang family had been effected. Suddenly media began to pull out old issues that have being buried deep by Wang family.

It revealed that from the early days there was discrimination against women in Wang Corporation. It had been a famous issues in that period of time but the owners of the Wang Corporation ignored this issue and silenced who ever tried to talk.

Then it was also revealed that oldest daughter of Wang Haikkuan, Wang Shiren was forced to marry for the sake of the Wang Corporation. The reporters made sure to write in big, bold letters that Wang Family sold their own daughter for money.

Rage against the Wang family rised up. Not even the fair and kind Mr. Wang Haikkuan was spared. Fake news was spread faster disdaining everyone that was born to or married to Wang family other than Wang Yibo and Wang Shiren.

It was the beginning of end of the great Wang Corporation that held the power of the business world for many generations.

Along with Yifeng's arrest Police searched the Wang Mansion and every branch of Wang Corporation with a court order. Many of Wang Yifeng's followers had also been arrested and questioned.

Meanwhile Zuocheng spend day and night in the interrogation room trying to make Wang Yifeng talk. Only reason that this were going for this long because though police had evidence they lacked the most important part to put a man to jail.

The confession of the perpetrator.

It was a definite that once Wang Yifeng goes to court he will be proven guilty and will be given death sentence. Even if he had the best lawyers in the world his final chance to live was to confess to his crimes. Even so it's not sure if he could avoid death.

Even still Yifeng refused to confess.

Even in that interrogation room he was not scared. He was sure that he would be let off pretty soon. He denied all the charges against him making this process long.

Two days after Yifeng's arrest Zhan received a phone call from Yibo's older sister Wang Shiren. She had let him know that she would visit the Xiao Mansion the next day.

As Zhan and Yibo waited in the living room a car stopped in front of the house.

A woman with a milky white skin, a long black hair and dressed in a long white gown got out of the car. Her dress was simple. Her soft skin was of natural colour. No makeup at all. Her walking was weight less. She had a pleasant smile on her lips.

More simple to say a woman of elegance.

" A-Bo... "

The moment she saw her little brother she hugged him lovingly. When she broke the hug there were tears in her eyes that she was trying hard not to let out. She bowed to Zhan very respectfully and Zhan did the same.

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