Chapter 84 - A White Rose

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As Yibo walked into the restaurant he pulled his mask up and kept his head down. But still Mianmian noticed and recognised him right away. She sent a big smile to him and mouthed ,

" He is here. " before going back to talk with her customer.

With this passed six months Yibo's friends in dancing class grew up and found their own paths. Some still stayed in dancing field while others went into corporate world.

Even though they don't get to see each other much often, from time to time they have a small reunion right here in this very restaurant which was owned by Mianmian.

" What took you so long? Did you walk here? " like that Yibo was warmly welcomed by his best friend into the private room.

" Do you think I don't have other things to do. I am busy too asshole. " Yibo snarled back.

" Yeah..Yeah.. I can see that you were busy. " sneered Yuchen as he took a few moments to stare at Yibo's neck.

Yibo's eyes followed that gaze and turned his head and with difficulty looked down at his neck and shoulder. The next second he internally screamed " Zhange...!!! "

Love bites. That's how Zhan handled Yibo continously appearing infront of his young fans. Just a small reminder to anyone gaping at Yibo that he was already taken.

Actually Yibo was lucky that it was only a small bite. Thankfully Yibo was able to talk Zhan out of trying to write XZ on his neck.

It was not easy though. Yibo argued saying he was not a cow to be branded and he had to threaten Zhan with divorce. He even left Zhan and went to the other room for a night where Zhan followed him, called him sweet names, admired him, praised him and promised not to experiment on his neck anymore.

" So what did you want to say to me? " asked Yibo as he pulled over a chair to sit down.

Yuchen didn't talk right away. He took his time. He fidgeted on the chair. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He adjusted his clothes and again opened his mouth.

Yibo was getting impatient with it. He frowned his brows and yelled out.

" Just spill it out..! "

" I... I... I am in love with someone. "

Yibo's mouth involuntarily opened up wide.

" What? " he asked with a gasp.

" It's someone you know. "

" who? "

Before Yibo could gasp again the door to the private room opened up and a young girl of eighteen years old walked in.

Yibo yelled,

" Miss Lu.... !!! "

In that six years Miss Lu who was only twelve years old at that time had grown up to be a young, beautiful and elegant girl. Even though she was still so young she had matured more than those of her age and in few years she would be the next successor of Nie Corporation.

However Zhan had a hard time accepting that she had grown up and only saw her as that small girl who would invite Zhan to all her birthday parties and would address him as uncle Zhan like he was her own family.

Which was why in those six years Zhan had done his very best to keep her away from the mortal danger. Which meant men. Especially from the peacock.

Yibo was truly worried about how Zhan was going to handle this news. But he was happy with it. He was close with both of them and loved them both very much although he cursed at his best friend every chance he got. He couldn't think anyone else better for each other.

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