Chapter 72 - Choice Part 1

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Yibo was sitting on the floor of the living room with an album on his hands. He was flipping the pages but his attention was on his sister in the other side of the living room.

Now that he was alone with her he felt even more awkward. He genuinely wanted to be close with her. But he couldn't help but feel an unfamiliarity towards his sister. Back when he was locked in that house though he rarely got to see her, he used to feel more closer to her than now.

For a while he ransacked his brain trying to find a way to start a conversation with her. At last he found something to say. He looked up at her.

" Jie Jie. Thank you for coming to see me in that house every month. Gege must have given you a hard time. Thank you for that chocolate you would always leave in my room. They were always very delicious. "

Shiren turned around and replied with a soft smile. Then both of them got back into their work.

Sometime later Yibo remembered something. Without looking up from the album he asked,

" JieJie , Every time you came to see me in that house you spent a lot of time in the house with him. What did you do? Did he lecture you? "

There was no reply.

" Jie jie? "

Still no reply. But then he heard a " click ".

Yibo looked up from the album and found his sister pointing a gun at him.


Yibo was shocked. He was confused. He didn't know what was going on. More than the gun in her hands the hate in her eyes suprised him. He wanted to walk up to her. But his intuition told him to stay. To stay on the same spot.

So he only got up from the ground. He stared at her confusedly for a long time that he didn't even know Zhan had returned.

" Shiren, you don't want to to do this. Put the gun down. " said Zhan in a firm tone.

Shiren only tilted her head to look at Zhan. There was no panic or fear in her face. She was very calm.

" You don't look too suprise to see me Zhan.
Did you already figure it out? "

There was excitement in her voice. Like she was enjoying the whole thing.

" Did you really do it? Everything? It was really you? " asked Zhan like he was still unable to believe it all.

And shiren smiled.

" Of course. Who else could do it if it was not me? . Zhan, did you really believe Yifeng could do it all? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I am really disappointed in you Zhan..

You worked with Yifeng for a long time. Didn't you realise it yet? That even though he had a body half a size of a bulldozer his brain was as small as peanut?

He cannot think anything. All he can do is to shout and make a scene. "

She laughed out loud again as if she was impressed with her own sense of humor.

" You know Zhan, when you start going against Yifeng I was really surprised. I was worried that you would figure out it all.
But all you had to hear was that Yifeng treated your little lover bad and you too only believed what was told to you. You couldn't see anything more after that. "

Hearing this conversation between Shiren and Zhan , Yibo was even more confused.

" What's going on? " yelled Yibo.

It took other two's attention on to Yibo. Zhan kept his eyes on Shiren and answered.

" Bo, It was her. She did everything. She was the one who kept you in that house and she was the one who killed everyone. She was the one who sent that killer to our house .

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