Chapter 52

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Ana's POV:

The feeling of soft and delicate kisses running all the way over my face caused me to wake in an instance, groaning and grunting at it as I refused to open my eyes. As if I am now to be all of that honest with you, the last thing in which I want to do is wake up now after the ever so late night Marco and I had last night. Ever since we went out to spend a while by the pool all the hours passed us by quicker than ever, not realising how late it was. It was only from that moment that Marco picked up his phone to take a picture of the both of us, that we realised just how late it was. Half past one in the morning to be exact with you. And taking in the fact of our long and torturing flight, we of course then knew, that it was time for us to go to bed.

Anyway, still the same feeling of delicate and soft kisses was to be evident upon my face as I attempted to get at least another minute of sleep. Of course with knowing they were all just to be from Marco above me, it seemed as if he did not want me to get another wink of sleep by any means. So in that moment I sighed heavily in defeat, giving up with fighting against it, as I opened my eyes at long last. Where in doing so I noticed a smiling Marco leaning over of me here on the bed, his hands resting either side of my head and looking deep into the both of my eyes. And, with that, despite my eyes being opened, he continued to press all the soft kisses against my face soon enough after. "Morning babe." He whispered, in between kisses.

I have to admit to you though, despite being annoyed over the fact of being woken up, right in that moment, I could not keep the large smile from smothering against my lips. Wrapping the both of my arms around Marco's back, and, simply relaxing at the feeling of his lips all to be peppering over my skin. "And good morning to you too." My smile was only to grow all of a lot wider as I uttered those words, feeling Marco stop kissing my face after a while. Where I watched him look at me, a smile matching my own pressed up upon him with only a matter of moments to spare. "And I must say, what an amazing way to wake up to." I giggled once I spoke then, looking deep into the both of my eyes as he tucked my hair behind my ear then.

"Well I had to come up with an idea to wake you up without you turning all annoyed at me, so I just tried it with this." He shrugged his shoulders at me after he spoke, as I continued to look up at him in that moment. Marco now leaning on his elbows over me and caressing my cheek with one hand, causing a larger smile to appear across my lips as I relaxed then as of a result to the truly amazing feeling. "And luckily enough for me, well it worked and for once I can see you've woken up in a good mood." Speaking in such a mocking tone of voice then to me, I did not hesitate to give Marco a death glare. But before long, I soon giggled a little too.

"Yeah well don't get used to it, whenever I'm woken up it's unpredictable with what sort of a mood I'm going to be in then." Laughing as I uttered those words then I noticed Marco in a second shake his head at me, but with a slight smirk pressed upon him. And so soon enough I pressed a soft kiss to his lips then, lingering my lips there for a while. But as I leant up all to reach his lips, the familiar feeling of sickness started to arise in the pit of my stomach and all to work its way further up. I pulled away from his lips the second I felt it happen, taking ever so small breaths in order to help it pass. But as I did so, I could not help but notice then all in a sense as Marco looked at me. Concern evident upon me, as his eyes did not leave me too.

"Babe, are you ok?" Worry evident in Marco's voice, as he laid a soft hand on my shoulder.

All I could do in a way of response to him then was nod my head, but ever so slowly, only as I looked at him. "I just feel a little sick but it will pass, don't worry." A small smile was then in that moment to appear upon me as I spoke, bringing a hand to where the sick feeling was to be inside of me and gently caressing there. But no matter how much I hoped for it to pass all after a while that did not seem to be happening anytime soon for me, as the sickness now in that moment inside of me only increased with each second. To the point where I was just to feel my mouth start to water. And, just from that slight indication there, I knew what was all about to come. "Oh" Immediately then I shot out of bed, all as fast as I was able to.

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