Chapter 60

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Marco's POV:

Checking myself one more time in the mirror here inside the bathroom I flicked my hair over into the correct direction, ahead of my lunch out today with Mario. You see, seeing as Ana is at work today and Mario is here in Dortmund, we decided that today, we would meet up. So we can celebrate the World Cup win together and catch up seeing as we were unable to all a few nights ago when he and the team turned up unannounced at my house, due to all which they all saw before their very own eyes. And I have to admit to you now that I am to be ever so excited to see my best friend, after being apart from him for so long. Although, I know for a fact, that Mario is going to bring up all which he saw, between me and Ana, I know he will.

And I honestly do not know what I am going to say to him involving it, not in the slightest if I do say so myself. You see, Mario has no idea about anything to do with me and Ana, none in the slightest. Of course yes, he knows about our past and how we used to be together, but I have been yet to tell him about the present with us. I guess I just did not know how it was in which he would react to it; would he try to make me back out of it when knowing that Ana is – or should I say was – with Manuel, or, would he hate me for it? I simply do not know. And, that is the reason I kept it a secret from him. Of course, I was going to tell him at some point about it but it would probably have just been when I knew she and Manuel were to be over.

But anyway, enough of that and back to the present time now, I soon picked up my hat that I had situated aside from the sink in front of me. Placing it onto my head, as carefully all as I could due to not wanting to ruin my hair, before soon making my way down the stairs, after checking myself in the mirror to leave. As I checked my phone, on walking down the stairs, I came to the realisation that I was a little behind schedule, gulping in response to it. You see, Mario is someone who hates tardiness, he despises people which are not on time to things, and that, well, now, that was a perfect example as to me, right now in this moment of time.

So once reaching the downstairs of my house I headed towards the door, picking up my keys on the way, before making my way outside and over towards my car parked in the driveway. Now, I know what you are thinking; why the hell is he driving, when he does not even have a valid driving license? And that is a good point, a really good point. But taking in the fact all of how Ana is at work and unable to drive me anywhere, as well as the fact of how I do not just now have the time to book a taxi I really am not left with any choice. Besides, I am hoping as well as praying, that I will not be caught. I probably will not be, as this situation has died all a hell of a lot down at the moment, but I guess, I will just have to be as careful as I can as now.

Upon entering the inside of my car then I quickly sent a message to Ana via my phone, all as I let her know that I was going out for lunch with Mario and do not know when I will be back but will see her whenever I get back. And so slipping my phone into my shorts pocket once I had sent the message, I prepared myself to drive by putting the keys into ignition, all before I was on my way ahead to the restaurant I am due to be meeting Mario at within any all of a minute now. And I must admit to you now, due to how I know I am not going to be there on time at all, I am not looking forward to arriving there by any means. As like I said, I know the way he acts when people are late, and I will most definitely be getting that same treatment.

Luckily enough for me, it only took a few minutes at the very most, for me to arrive close by to the restaurant which I would be dining at for lunch today. Of course, I could have walked in order to prevent myself from being seen driving but I was not going to put my neck on the line from being any later, than I already am. Besides, parking my car in the opposite car park to the restaurant, is bound to stop me from being seen, seeing as it is an ever so secluded of a car park which not many people ever visit really. And so turning my car off as soon as I just then had arrived, I took all of my belongings out my car which I would need, and began all to walk out of the car park and to where it was in which I was meeting Mario at, at any second.

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