Chapter 58

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Manuel's POV: 

Getting inside of my car, from it being parked in the airport here in Munich, I slumped all the way back against my seat and proceeded to drive back to my house. Words cannot even in a sense begin to explain to you my emotions right now, all due to finding out the truth, behind Ana and Marco. How could she do this to me? How the hell could she go behind my back, all after everything Marco did to her, all those years ago? But, not only that, how the hell could she let that disrespectful man get her pregnant? It really does baffle me over the fact just of how she could do this, how she could have such a lack of respect for herself, to only go back to him again. But, then again, seeing what I did, and, finding out what I did, has proved a lot.

It has proved to me what sort of a woman Ana is, what she is like, and, the way all which she treats people that really care for her. As I know for a fact that never would I do all Marco did to her, not by any means. I have respect for women unlike him, and, I can only see him to do it again in the near future. How does she expect to bring a baby into the world with a man in which does something like that to her? Honestly, it truly does baffle me. It makes no sense, I have to admit. But, the one and only thing I can say now, is that never do I want to see Ana's face again. To me, she means nothing to me, not after what I saw before me, earlier tonight.

Never in my life, have I ever felt as angry and heartbroken as I do now. Ana has broken all of the trust I ever had for her due to seeing what I saw tonight, broken it, to the point where in a strong sense there is no going back from it. No matter how much I truly did love, and care, for that woman, I cannot come back from this with her. Everything was so amazing with us I never saw anything like this coming for our future. The only thing which came into mind the moment I thought of our future was nothing but perfection. I saw a bright future for both of us, no matter how early on it was. Ana was an amazing woman – well, so I thought – and, all I wanted was her, and her only. Now, of course, things have taken a dramatic turn of events.

Anyway, soon enough and I finally pulled into the driveway of my home. Getting out the car, and walking around to the boot, in order to get all of my suitcases out from my stay in Brazil for the World Cup. So, once I had all of my luggage held in between the both of my hands, in that moment I proceeded to head inside of my house at long last. As the honest truth now is that all I wanted to do was sleep. I wanted to sleep and try to take my mind off everything in which I have been faced with earlier on tonight, involving Ana and Marco. And the moment I opened the front door to my house, I simply made my way up the stairs with my suitcases to get into my room. Pushing the door open as I reached it, and walking further inside of it too.

So simply just leaving my suitcases by the door to unpack tomorrow, I got undressed into all just only my boxers and got myself inside of bed, to sleep. But, the second I was underneath the covers, facing the wall with my eyes closed, the thoughts of everything to do with Ana in that moment came back to me. I could not help but than to keep thinking about it all, what I saw between them, and, the conversation which led afterwards. And no matter how hard as well that I was to try I simply could not remove those thoughts from my mind, as even when I opened my eyes they were still there. Still in my mind haunting me and putting me through a hell of a lot of torture, due to this situation. Torture which I could not remove myself from.

Tossing and turning in my bed did not help me either, nothing seemed to be helping me in a slight way at all. All these thoughts which I was now to be having just continued to whirl the way around my mind, leaving me upset and even more heartbroken and angry than I was to be before. In a way, this all seems surreal from how hard it has hit me. But of course, all due to me seeing the events with my very own eyes, I know it is far from surreal, and is of course just to be nothing but the truth. The harsh truth and reality to my love life. And, I have not a single idea as to how long this pain is going to last with me, as I have never felt so broken all in my life before. But, judging from tonight, I can see it staying with me, for a very long time.

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