Chapter 16

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Ana's POV: 

Singing and dancing to Beyoncé playing around me I started to make myself some breakfast, searching for the natural oats I had stashed somewhere inside one of the cupboards here in the kitchen to mix with my yoghurt, sliced banana and raspberries. Finally finding the oats I soon got them out from the cupboard, pouring a reasonable amount inside of a bowl before adding a generous amount of yoghurt in with it as well as the sliced banana and raspberries. Allowing my voice to get vastly louder I eventually began singing at the top of my lung whilst mixing the content inside the bowl together, moving my hips in rhythm with the music being played. “Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever’s worst!” Losing myself into the music.

As soon as the content was all mixed together to my satisfaction I say myself down onto one of the many stools surrounding the kitchen island here in my home, taking a spoon to begin eating my breakfast with a big smile on my face. Words really cannot describe how happy I am in this moment of time, from all of the doings yesterday morning I have not been able to take this smile away from my lips – despite when I was back with Manuel at the restaurant of course, but who can blame me for that? You try being in my situation in that moment of time, my head was all over the place, but now that is completely different for me. I am now aware of what I want, Marco, but that does not mean I am breaking things off with Manuel.

Yes I do still have feelings for him, strong ones at that, the sort in which nobody could find themselves forgetting overnight. But as I have said previously, that does not take away any of my feelings for Marco. I loved him once and still throughout everything I have come to a realisation that I always have. And as far as I am aware as of now I cannot see my feelings in any way changing for him, he was my first love, and you know what they say about the first person you fall in love with – ‘your first love never dies.’ That is exactly what it is with Marco for me, sure I may have found Manuel along with my struggles but the moment which I had found Marco come back into my life all those feelings I had came flooding back to me again.

Taking the final mouthful of food from the bowl resting on the side in front of me I finished my mouthful before taking a sip of the cold orange juice I had beside the bowl, allowing the cold liquid to slither its way down my throat as I let out a gasp of air once finishing all inside my mouth. I could really get used to this you know, living a carefree life without having the worry of work permanently stuck on my mind. But I know for a fact that this dream really is not going to last much longer, any day now Sarah will have told Anthony my option, which I had no say in really, over how I am not going to be holding anything against the two of them anymore. That I have surrendered, letting them both have one over on me just as per usual.

Letting a brief sigh come from out of my lips I soon walked my way over to the sink with my empty bowl and glass, quickly washing them up before placing them down to try inside the strainer. But at the moment in which I was just about to grab my phone and leave the room to spend what left of my lazy days I have, I was stopped in doing so. As the loud sound of my ringtone went off, causing me to jump and take a glance at the caller ID. To which it came as unknown, giving me a sense of confusion upon me. So putting the phone up to my ear once answering it, I soon spoke to whoever it was in a wary tone of voice. “Hello um who is this?”

“Hello Ana it’s me, Anthony.” As soon as those words came from the other end of the line I face palmed, mentally groaning and cursing to myself. I will tell you now, it is a good thing he said who he was because he does not sound the slightest bit like himself on the phone. He sounds like a complete different person, highly sophisticate and slightly charming if I do say so myself – the complete opposite to his real personality if I am honest with you. “The reason I called is because you need to come in today, I need a quick word about something I’ve been told. So I wouldn’t be getting comfortable at home if I were you, as your time off could be over today.” Speaking in a demanding voice I sighed, this is definitely Sarah’s doing.

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