Chapter 2

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Ana’s POV:

I awoke in a flash from my slum due to the constant and repetitive sound to my alarm clock as it went off in my ear from being placed on the bedside table aside from where my head was perfectly sunk into the deep yet comforting pillow I was resting on. Meaning one thing and one thing only; it was time to get myself up and get ready for the day ahead at work. Time to arise from my pit and face all of the moody and frustrating customers that I tend to have to deal with on a daily basis in the café I work at. And trust me; it is not the nicest of things to have to face first thing in the morning, the complete opposite if I am entirely honest with you.

The rudeness and demanding words that come from these sorts of peoples mouths is nothing but outrageous to say the least. You could get just the one order of theirs wrong and that will be it; it is the end of the world. These sorts of customers will just throw one almighty hissy fit and threaten to have a word with the manager from the simplest of accidental mistakes you have made, potentially putting your own job on the line from your antics even if you were not to have meant for it to happen. All of this over the wrong amount of sugars in a cup of tea for say, it is a little too hasty I must say so myself and especially when you have a manager like the likes of my own at the café who hates to deal with any form of complaints from the customers. Whether they big or even small. Well it is safe to say that that is just as bad. He practically bites your head off with the amount of shouting and screaming that flies out of his mouth towards you over the smallest and minuet of things that you may just so happen to encounter on a typical day of work here. It is ridiculous and over the top if I do say so myself. But from the position that I am in at work – being a waitress – what does my opinion even matter? It is not like anything will change.

Anyway, as I opened just the one of my eyes to give into the big wide world awakening around me the only thought that I found constantly tracking around my brain was the temptation to pull a sicky on this one day and one day only. It is a Friday after all and is that one day of the week in which I work that just so happens to drag across the entire day. The one day that I dread the most out of all of the other days due to its slowness within my working hours. It is frustrating and frankly quite annoying to think as to how each and every Friday is nothing but the exact same for not only me but also the same for a small number of the many other workers at the café. It is the same routine each and every Friday with no differ as the weeks fly by: we get up and get ready for work only to be faced with the moodiest and rudest customers for hours on end – as I have already vaguely mentioned to you but trust me there is an increase in their moos as the weeks go by – not to mention the slowest and time consuming work day known to man. Why is it that the other four weekdays flow past relatively quickly and with Friday being the last day of my working week it just so happens to take longer to pass us by? Well my best and only guess is that it must have something to do with the burden of bad luck that I have inherited over the course of my life so far.

Yes. It has to be exactly that and nothing more. I know it. Well so I am led to believe anyway from the previous of events that have unfolded and fallen into disaster right before my eyes a multiple of times already within my life. But quite frankly that is a complete different story and one that I have never felt comfortable with going over as I am still yet to try and drift my mind away from that certain subject for good. It is in the past now and there is nothing that I can do to take the pain away which I once and still occasionally am feeling over it. I was the idiot to think that after that ray of bad news I was told on that very night that my life would stay the exact same with that one person I loved and cared for so much. But it didn’t and no matter how much I mope around still thinking of what could have been, nothing will change.

I have been strong for years on end over it and I am not letting my guard down now.

Letting a sigh escape from my lips I soon sat myself up in bed and brought the both of my hands up to eyes in a wall to begin rubbing at them. As I tried to fully wake myself up further for the long and stressful work day ahead of me. I really do not want to go to work, not by any means, but the one thing which is physically stopping me from pulling a sicky – as I originally wanted to go ahead with – is the money. As you of course know after me blabbering on about it continuously today is Friday and therefore the end of my working weak and that means only one good thing can come from it. And that is that today is the day that I receive my weekly wages. It may not be much money at all that I am to inherit seeing as I do not work at one of these high level jobs, just your average café in the heart of Dortmund, but I need as much money as I can get in at the moment. I am not struggling financially at all but seeing as I have a date tonight and in need of some money to offer to him who I am to be going with I just need the money. As much of it as I can possibly get for a matter of fact as I am not the type by any means to scrounge money off of me people.

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